Mitugh- The Oceanus

Man wearing a black tuxedo emerged from the blue car which was parked on the street corner. He had dyed hair, with an astounding height of six feet three. He was holding a phone near his ear, talking to someone.

"I had said it earlier, man! You don't have to repeat....

Yeah, yeah…

If I took a bounty I would surely complete it. Are you not aware of my reputation, come on!"

He flipped the phone and plopped it back into the backseat of his blue car. He sighed and ran fingers in his hair.

"These idiots are paying so much for that kid. I hope there is not some hidden catch in it, that would come later to bite me in my ass."

He looked to the north side and clicked his tongue,

"Just in time! "

Orion was madly running through streets overtaking some morning joggers and early risers on the street. If earlier he would have slowed down to mingle in the crowd until he could reach university.

But now as he was aware of the insanity of these magic users, he was sure they would not wince once to kill these randoms too.


Excuse me!"

Orion passed through a man who was standing in his way. But as he nudged him to pass through him, suddenly his eye ink on his chest began to grow hot. This was the most reliable detector of someone using magic targeting him.

His eyes turned wide as the man turned around to face him. He was wearing a virus mask but the literal flames blinking in his eyes gave away his identity. Orion just got enough time to cross his hands on his chest, when the punch radiating with red light slammed into his arm and chest.

Orion was tossed away violently to the right, breaking the glass door of the shop. He felt that his arms were broken as he could not feel them anymore.

His lungs wheeze as they tried to breathe in more air to combat shock by the violent fist. He was lying inside the empty shop while he could hear the panic outside in the crowd.

The man entered the shop from the broken door stepping on the shattered pieces of glass. He removed his mask to reveal his clean shaved face but the scar on his lips gave him a menacing look.

"Let's say good..." suddenly he stopped mid-sentence as he observed the twitching Orion carefully.

"You are fine!" He exclaimed but Orion was not at all paying attention to what he was saying. He jerked onto his knees in a swift motion and pulled out a cleaver knife and stabbed into his knee.

Due to fact, he was surprised and shocked. He hadn't really expected the young boy to still function after getting fisted by his hell fist right in the chest. If not dead, he would have broken his ribs for sure.

Therefore he was caught off guard when he immediately jumped and stabbed towards him. The cleaver knife was a sharp thing, and always the most dangerous tool to work within the kitchen.

The knife straight up diced his knee pit, opening a bloody wound on his leg. The man instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground, where Orion got his chance to stab him into his neck.

The sharp cleaver went into his neck almost smoothly without any obstruction. The man choked on his blood as he tried to hold his neck, but blood was spraying outside uncontrolled and finally, he collapsed on the floor.

Realization hit as the adrenaline wore off. Suddenly seeing the dead man with his knife in his neck gave chills to Orion.

Anxiety and panic attack hit a second later, as he tried to check up on the pulse of the man. It was a foolish thing, considering he was the one to stick the knife in his throat.

But right now his hands were trembling in panic. He had killed someone. He hundred someone. He felt his pulse rising as he looked at his bloody hands, stained in the stranger's blood.

Suddenly, his ink again blinked hot he hurriedly ducked almost in reflex as a bullet grazed past his ear. The bullet struck at the back of the shop, instantly exploding like a mini grenade. It was enchanted ammunition.

He looked up to see a man rapidly reloading his shotgun standing on the door. He felt his heart beating hard as he grabbed the knife from the dead body and pulled it out and jumped at the man.

"The fear of death overcomes all emotion "

It was right in this case too. As he was jumping at the man, he realized something very strange.

The man was trying to reload the bullet, but his hands were trembling and not stable. Orion felt confused because at such a distance he could easily take him down with one shot then why was he…...delaying.

Then, at an almost one-foot distance of man, he met his eyes. There he saw something, he should not have seen.


There was fear and horror in his eyes,

'Why was he afraid? Due to the dead man? No…

He was afraid because of me. He fears me!"

In that small second, his hands aligned almost subconsciously gripping cleaver to point at his stomach. And at the same time, the man finally reloaded his gun and aimed at him.

But like all scared persons, he missed. He missed at such a close distance. His shot went a few inches above incoming Orion totally missing him. Orion reached the exact moment and lodged his cleaver into his stomach.

The momentum from the hard jump allowed the knife to pierce through to the deepest reaches of the abdomen, shredding any organ which came in its way.

The knees of the man felt weak as he collapsed at the feet of Orion. All the time fear, horror in his eyes didn't go away. Orion also collapsed on the floor with a man as he began to think how dangerous his actions were.

A slight misstep, the slight mistake he could have died here and now. He couldn't even wrap his head around the fact that from where the courage came into him about charging at the man with the gun.

His sane and rational moments were short-lived as he felt his ink growing hot once again but this time, the intensity was much higher. He without thinking jumped outside from the broken window, just in time to avoid the flaming Arrow which went into the shop.

The shop went into the blaze almost immediately, with all things inside melting to the high-temperature blast.

He coughed as he staggered to stand up and watched as the dead bodies inside the shop began to burn like they were on gasoline.

'This could be him.'

He immediately shoved this discouraging thought in the back of his mind as he started to dash ahead without looking back. If he had to survive, he had to reach university.

He passed through the turn to find the local subway station ahead. He was just one block away from the University but he could be easily captured en route.

He looked behind to see several persons with machine guns chasing after him. There were no signs of police nearby, not even pedestrians which solidified his theory that they were kept aside by use of some type of magic.

He instead of going through open streets dashed towards the entry point of the subway station. Metro in Tokyo runs after Five a.m., therefore it was still empty and quiet around here.

Orion jumped past the fare gate to see if he could hide at someplace. He was still thinking where to go when he heard some gunfight outside, picking on his nerves. He had even lost his knife inside Shop while escaping from there which meant he was totally empty-handed.

"Where did he go? "

The man with blue dyed hair asked his underlings who were carrying machine guns. He had a bow in his arms which was shining brightly, indicating its above-average rank.

"Boss, inside the station. "

The man smirked,

"So he had chosen the best place for his death. But remain alert, we still don't know his ability and how he killed those two who went after him first. "

The men nodded and began to walk towards the station. Suddenly, a trident passed through and pierced through the skull of the leading man. It collapsed in its own pool of blood.

A handsome, tall man in a tuxedo casually walked to them and pulled out his trident splashing blood and brain matter all around. He flicked his trident to get rid of all blood all while maintaining a small smile on his face.

"Mitugh? They had even invited you?"

Said the man with Bow, his tone was friendly but still, his bow was ready for firing at any time.

"I am also surprised they were willing to pay so much for the kid, although he was son of him. But this doesn't prove anything."

The blue-haired man put away his bow which magically turned into the ring on his finger.

"Okay if you are here. You can go ahead and take this bounty. To fight with The Oceanus is not an intelligent decision for a young. I will leave. "

"Good choice, kite. I will owe you one. "

The man shook his head as he gestured to his men to come back with him. From start to finish no one mentioned a word about the man, Mitugh casually murdered. It was reality, if you are normal you worth nothing in the eyes of conjurers.

He watched them disappear then turned to the station and smiled brilliantly,

"I have heard great things about that man. Pity! He died so soon. Let's see if you deserve the title of his son by providing me some amusement before dying."