
Orion felt the subtle vibrations before he knew he was under attack as 'expected'. The electric arc went right past his ear, shattering the small wall segment behind him. He quickly jumped back to finally see who this mysterious attacker was.

The crowd in the subway panicked, as the screaming began with people pushing each other to escape from this place to avoid getting caught in either stampede or crazy fight. Between the running people, Orion saw him or he should say them?

A man with a black jacket and a mask on his face, his hands buzzing with electricity. Behind him, in an almost similar getup, a man who quietly unsheathed his katana was probably a ninja or something from his looks but 'Man!' the katana didn't look the least bit like as shown in movies. He could feel the weird vibes from that blade from the distance.

Orion spread his arms as now only they were left in the subway alone.

"I don't think you are here because I am the son of my father, right. You are looking way professional to believe in that cause. "

The man whose hands were glowing in red lightning came forward and spoke a few words in angry Japanese which honestly went above the head of Orion. He wanted to tell him mid-sentence, that he was not getting it but considered that it might sound rude.


As he tried to nod, an electric arc was shot towards his face with almost insane speed. His ability was working all the time since yesterday on snooze when he got that 'warning'. His vision slowed down as various possibilities quickly sprang into his mind. He discovered almost thirty waves in less than a second to dodge that arc and chose the least effort one.

He shifted his head just an inch, and the arc went past almost brushing his cheek but not harming him in the slightest. He was sometimes himself amazed by his ability to think that he could almost do so subconsciously.

He didn't get time to appreciate his power when suddenly he felt the man with the katana moving towards him. Almost instantly his hand sprang in motion as he grabbed the chain from his pocket and dashed towards the assaulters.

His speed was nothing less than the superhuman almost similar to that of his attackers as he ducked and used his chain like a whip to strike it at the incoming swordsman. The man effortlessly swings his katana to cut the chain into two parts but imagine his shock when his sharp sword, able to cut iron like butter, didn't cut through a common motorbike chain.

Orion had time to prepare so how could he didn't think about it. He had purposely fueled his chain in magical energy to reinforce its strength. It was not comparable to magical weapons but at least was far stronger than normal steel and iron.

The chain coiled around the blade of the katana and taking advantage of his moment of shock, he delivered a well-placed kick to his head as he simultaneously pulled the entrapped sword towards him. It was all thanks to his ability that his mind could instantly work out all possibilities in less than a second to tell him how to execute his moves.

The katana man quickly released his sword to let it go, as he moved back to avoid getting kicked into his head which could be very well fatal. Orion had anticipated this as his leg touched the wall, swinging before the man. He used the wall as leverage to jump in the air to deliver another roundhouse kick from another foot.

The man quickly scrambled down as he took the kick to his shoulder. He was thrown into the distance by the force as he skidded last along the subway floor, managing to not fall down at least but his shoulder was stinging due to intense pain.

"Any moment now!" Said Orion as he crouched down midair to tuck his head down to his chest and bring up his knees. He turned into a ball-like form to minimize his exposed surface.

Just as he crouched a lightning streak went where his head was before striking the wall. If he hadn't crouched, the one getting shot directly would be his head. His ability was working full mode on protecting himself from potential dangers.

He landed on the ground and rolled to get to where the lightning man was standing. He lifted his head to smash on the head of the Orion, who lashed his chain like a whip to coil it around the other leg of the man. He yanked it hard to make him fall down hard on the ground, while he took a decent punch shot at the face of the man.

The right hook connected straight with his jaw, dislocating it as well as knocking him out cold. Orion winced a little as he failed to control his strength. The blood splashed from his mouth, as the man fainted right there. The power he got from his ability was too much for the normal human body, he kept forgetting this part due to his daily sparring partner being a literal high spirit.

His raw power was nothing in front of Cassis, while the same amount of strength could kill a normal person outright. He had not time to regret more as he felt intense danger coming from his back. He immediately ducked his head down, as the katana blade passed above his head cutting a few of his stray hairs.

The electric shock went through his spine as he realized how close he was to die. If he hadn't felt something, the blade would have gone through his neck, severing his head in a clean swoop. Unexplained anger began to rise in his head as he turned back to see the swordsman.

Suddenly, he couldn't think straight. It was like his mind broke down, as there was no coherent thought forming in his mind. Only intense anger was burning in his mind, telling him to kill this man.

His eyes turned red as small vessels began to produce in his eyes due to intense anger. He grabbed the chain and coiled it around his hand to form a grip like a knuckle. In one step, he was upon the man who swung his katana to slash him.

In a rage, his movements became too fast as he was doing this subconsciously unlike earlier where he thinks of all possibilities before acting and then chose one with the best result. He evaded past the sword swing, and punched the chest of the man.

The force was so much that it formed a small swish sound as it went through air to collide with him. The connected fist instantly produced breaking sounds as the ribcage of the man cracked due to the intense force behind the punch.

The Japanese man was thrown to the ground with his blade leaving his hand as he grabbed his chest in pain. The surgical mask on his face became red as he began to cough up blood violently.

He looked through his teary eyes, to see the Orion pouncing on him like a predator. He could only see a beast with red eyes jumping on him as he cried in horror. The screams in the empty subway went for only three more seconds, after that it stopped completely.

Orion was in too much anger, so angry he wanted to destroy everything. He didn't even remember why he was angry anymore until suddenly he felt a slight pain in his hand and his mind cleared a little.

He looked down to see the mangled face of a man and his hand which was repeatedly punching like a maniac on his face. His hand with the chain was completely red with blood as instantly he realized what he was doing. He looked at his trembling hand to find the pain was due to a small sharp bone piece of man's jaw that had pierced his skin.

He instantly backed up to see the man lying breathlessly with a mangled and unrecognizable face on the floor with his blood flowing down. He was dead. Orion began to breathe heavily as it descended upon him that he had just murdered someone. Unlike previous time it was deliberate.

He shook his chain from his hand and sat down on the floor with his hand covering his face. He was having a little anxiety attack, as seriously he couldn't understand why he was so angry to kill a person.

"Calm down…..calm down..."

He began to talk to himself as he tried to ring in his emotions.

"He tried to kill me…..

He tried to kill me....

They were here to kill me…..

If I didn't kill him he would have killed me, it's evident….it was just self-defense…."

"No, It is a murder. A cold-blooded one."

The sudden voice spooked Orion who looked around to find a middle-aged man with a mustache in a Hawaiian t-shirt and capris shaking his head in a remorseful way.

Orion with his half-face red smeared in blood stood up and hurriedly said,

"No, no it was the self-defense he was here to kill me. I just...I just accidentally killed him."

The man walked slowly crossing the Orion to the dead body of the swordsman and observed his corpse.

"It didn't look to me like an accident. Admit it, you killed him that too in a very violent way. Why did you kill him, young man? That too so horribly, what did he do to deserve that? "

Orion felt his throat dry out as he couldn't think of anything. He couldn't say that he was too angry to think straight. What kind of excuse it would be? Did he turn out to be a psychopath his father?