007 Resurrected

"Hey wake up" I felt someone shaking me, a distant voice calling onto me.

"Come on wake up!" The voice had gotten louder and I groaned.

"Ten more minutes Mom" I answered sleepily.

"I'm not your mom! and wake up if you're alive!"

'Hold on, if I'm alive...didn't I just died?' With that thought I was suddenly wide awake and sat up gasping, my arms checking my naked body.


I slowly looked down and saw myself naked. My arms instantly went to cover that little thing that was sleeping peacefully.

"Don't look! Wait why am I naked in the first place?!" I demanded, looking at my companion that was also naked who, for god knows what reason, is also alive.

"Don't be embarrassed, I have what you have too" she pointed out with a blank stare, putting her hands on her hips in a sassy way.

My eyes widen and I instantly moved my head down and there it was, something that wasn't supposed to be there had been there in the first place and I'm such an idiot to think that what's down there is supposed to be another thing. Just how dumb am I?

"I'm sorry...I really thought you were a girl in the first place" I apologized watching his eyeu twitch.

"It's alright" he said sincerely yet I have a feeling something snapped in him when I said he was supposed to be a she.

"Well can you explain why we're naked?" I asked hesitantly, looking around us only to find no trace of our clothing.

"I'm terribly sorry but I don't know either" he answered grimly.

'Could it be...' my eyesight instantly went to the watch on my hand. It still looked like how it normally was. Coordinates and my HP bar that was full but I noticed a small timer on top of the HP bar.


"I wonder what that is.." I murmured.

"What?" he asked, staring at my watch.

"What's the problem with it?" He added, squinting his eyes to try and see what I'm trying to see on the watch.

"It's nothing, we should find some clothes" I suggested, standing up without feeling some shame, he look like he was also the same. Standing there all mighty and proud without a care that his weiner is out.

"Are you suggesting that we should go back inside?" he asked hesitantly.

I frowned and opened the map. No red dots were within ten miles but for some reason I had doubts nagging me at the back of my head.

'It was my fault for not checking the map again when we neared the exit, I shouldn't put distrust on the watch that had helped me and might be the reason why I'm still alive along with my companion' I thought as I nodded my head. He seemed to be a little hesitant yet agreed in the end but stucked close to me as we entered.

'Come on this is awkward' I thought as our shoulder bump from time to time.

We finally came across an apparel store and entered while keeping our footsteps as quiet as possible.

"Don't stray too far" I warned when he went on the opposite direction from me.

"Don't worry I won't" he reassured and I nodded.

I chose a spot where all denim clothes are placed and went to choose some clothes that's my exact size. I went with a black tank top and denim jacket along with some denim jeans then proceeded to find some high cut sneakers. While wearing the items the watch suddenly vibrated and the green screen popped up with a new notification.

{Gears can be enhanced, would you like to enhance?}


"Enhance..? in what way" I thought curiously. Would it's appearance change perhaps? or would it just increase the stats that it would give me cause if I can recall their was armor on my stats and it was currently zero.

I was unsure of the outcome but that doesn't mean I don't want some enhancement. I pressed yes even though it can also be voice automated out of excitement and the clothes glowed green yet it wasn't bright enough to attract my companion's attention who's busy picking some... underwear.

As the glow went out nothing change from the clothes appearance, it was still the same but another notification popped up out of the screen.

{Stats have increased}

{SP +5}

{HP +2}

{Armor +20}

'Woah it increased my SP and HP a little, I wonder if I didn't enhance it would it only give me Armor and not SP and HP' I thought. I slowly opened my status panel and looked at my current stats.

{Player69XRT5 Status}

=HP 100/102=

=SP 100/105=

=Hunger 98/100=

=Armor 020/20=

=Level 1=

{Exp 0/50}

"Huh?" I blinked my eyes and looked closely at the last icon that displays my exp.

'This wasn't here before' I thought and close my status panel the scrolled through all of the panels to try and look for the tasks that would give me experience points. So far my attempt was futile so I just sighed deeply.

"What's with the long face?" a voice from behind me called and I turned around to look at my companion grimly.

"It's nothing, also nice clothes" I commented as I scan him from head to toe. High cut blue converse, black tight denim jeans, plain white t-shirt and a black double rider jacket.

"But you know, this isn't a fashion show" I added making him scoff.

"It's just my taste in clothes...and besides I always wanted to wear one but we can't afford it.." he murmured the last part but I managed to hear it and made no comment.

"Oh by the way, what happened to our backpack filled with the foods?" I asked when I recalled we weren't bringing it when we came inside to grab clothes.

"It's still outside, don't worry I don't think anyone would grab it" he shrugged and we both walked out of the store and into the exit again, this time without running away from a bunch of what I thought was runners, I seriously have no idea where they are now.

"I haven't introduce myself yet.." he suddenly stated and it made me look back at him.

"I'm Alexander Dame but you can just call me Alex" he smiled, extending his arm towards me.

"I'm Aiden Star, feel free to call me what you want" I answered, taking his hand and shaking it. After that I turned around and opened the map when we neared the exit, just for precaution and suddenly Alex gasped.

"Woah what's that!?" he exclaimed. I paused on my tracks and look at him.


"What's that green screen!?" he pointed out, eyes wide like dinner plates.

'Wait a second, he can see it?' I thought as I frown at him.

"How..you can't see this before" I mentioned and the both of us just stared at each other with mixed confusion.