011 Erika Blake

"Who are you two and what business do you have here?!" its voice was powerful and pretty much scary, specially after hearing something that indicated she had a gun.

"We're not really here for business–" Alex blabbered but before he could finish my elbow collided in the side of his ribs causing him to groan in pain.

"Don't move!" the person behind ordered loudly and I flinched.

'Jesus what's with all the shouting, we don't even have any weapons. What danger could we possibly bring that she sound so cautious and angry'

"You there! Face me!'' It commanded and I swear I really didn't want to look at a gun pointing at me yet we're in a tight situation right now that Alex made a little tighter for running his mouth.

I slowly turned around yet kept my head down, though that doesn't mean I didn't sneak a glance.

Platinum blonde hair tied in a high ponytail, piercing green eyes glaring daggers at our way. Tall and lean figure fit to be a great model was clad in a military uniform that was a size smaller so it looked tighter around her body and lastly on both arms, she held two double barrel shotgun pistols pointed directly at us.

'Woah woman put those guns down' I wanted to voice it out but I'm too scared to have my head blown off at the fact that her fingers were on the trigger, ready to shoot if we made something wrong.

"I'll repeat the question again, who are you two and what business do you have hear? answer sarcastically and your heads would splatter in pieces" she threatened and I gulped audibly. Alex looked at me expectantly and I sighed heavily, taking a deep breath and answering her question in the most polite way I can.

"I'm Aided and this is my companion Alex, we meant no harm and we're here for shelter and safety from the creatures that lurk outside" I explained watching her move the guns down a bit.

"You two hide any weapons?" she asked cautiously and I slowly shake my head.

"Obviously no" Alex murmured under his breath and I'm glad the woman didn't hear over the fact that the tone of his voice held so much sarcasm for once I wanna sew it shut.

The woman frowned, finally putting her gun down and a sigh of relief went past my lips. Same goes with Alex.

"This place is very hard to find but I'm glad you two have found it" she stated.

"Glad? you were trying to blow our heads off earlier–"

"I can hear you young man" the woman hissed, pointing her gun at Alex making him squeak and hide behind my back.

"Look let's put those weapons down and uh...talk" I suggested nervously and the woman raised her brows.

"Talk about?"

"Well we introduced ourselves so can we know your name too?" I asked.

"Erika Blake" was her blunt answer and it left us staring at each other in awkward silence.

"Well uhh Miss Erika, would you mind if we stay her for the night, we will leave once the sun rises in the morning" I questioned politely and she tsked.

'Come on I'm trying my best to be respectful, don't be so rude' I groaned in my head.

"Leave in the morning? Like that?" she asked and it got me confused.

"Like..this?" I asked hesitantly, looking back at Alex who's still hiding behind my back and myself.

"You two have no weapons, your companion dresses like he wants to be on a Levi runway instead of surviving this hellish place and you..." she paused and I gulped nervously.

"You're weak"

Well that's a way to hit a man's ego and it sure is painful. Alex flinched on Erika's comment towards me and slowly tugged at my sleeves.

"She's bad news" he whispered and I groan silently.

"Can you stop hiding behind my back like a coward, you're embarrassing" I whispered back.

"Stop your Chitchats and follow me!" Erika suddenly ordered and we both answered yes in unison.

Erika brought us to one of the apartment's rooms, it seemed like it was hers after seeing the weapons scattered everywhere. Clubs, A few guns, knives and lastly a crossbow with a quiver full of arrows that I estimated to be at least 25 to 30 arrows.

"Woah, where did you get all of this..?" I asked in amazement and a small smirk curved up her lips.

"Raiding other people" she answered triumphantly.

"Raiding...?" Alex asked and Erika gave him a pointed look which made him squeak and hide behind my back again.

'Oh for the love of God' I sighed heavily and glanced at Erika who tsked at Alex's behavior.

"Weaklings like you are the one's who dies first, how pathetic" she mocked and I'll admit she's rude but it's also kind of true.

To think that a woman like her would be raiding other players who's trying to survive so she could survive on her own, man that takes a lot of courage and looking at how much weapons she had, she didn't just raid some players once.

"Hey save me, her glare is drilling holes into my head" I suddenly heard Alex murmur and sadly I felt some sympathy for him.

"He's just a child so his fears are understandable" I pointed out, catching Erika's attention towards me and making her scoff.

"Young and Old, in a world where you need to survive fear must not take place!" she seethed and I raised my hand in defeat. Creating an argument with this woman is hella scary, even from a mile away I could see no chance of winning.

"So why did you take us here?" I finally asked when the tension seemed to lessen. Erika glanced at me up and down then walked towards the weapons, her eyes scanning everything.

"To help" she answered and for once her voice didn't sound arrogant and angry, it sounded soft and gentle.

"Help?" I asked curiously.

"I saw you carrying him here in your back and I was impressed" she answered but her eyesight is focused on the guns.

"What was impressive about it? my strength?" I managed and she shook her head.

"I've told you I had raid people to get this weapons right?"

I nodded and listened carefully while Alex was at the corner waving an army knife in his hand like a child.

"Well I won't raid someone if they're alone, people who chose to be alone to survive without the help of others are the strongest in my eyes" she explained then moved her gaze at me.

"This weapons came from groups of people who teamed up together and protect themselves, I didn't find it weak at first but after I know that some people doesn't care about other's lives even if those people are a part of their 'team' my point of view towards them changed"

There was anger in Erika's voice and I somewhat understand what she meant.

"People would sacrifice the weak to save their own lives, it was cruel and unfair especially if those people who were sacrificed are dependent and trustful on the person that helped them only to be betrayed in the end but that's not all. Some people just take someone in on their team but if that person proved to be quite troublesome they'll left them behind so as I said, it was impressive to see you carry him when a group of those disgusting dogs are chasing after you two." she finished and sighed, picking up a gun and wiping it with a rugged cloth.

"Though if you two continued the way you are now, none of you would make it so far" she added and in her tone I sensed sadness or its just me.

"I understand...but what help could you be planning to lend us?" I asked, suddenly curious and excited to learn something from this woman that totally earned my respect right at the beginning; even though she tried to blow our heads off, I guess if I was in her place I would've done the same too.

"I'll let you learn the ways of surviving but that doesn't come for free"

Welp I saw that coming but who cares, she might be a great help.

"I don't mind! We're ready to listen to what you have in store for us!" I exclaimed and she smirked.

"That's the spirit...and you!" she called out to Alex who squeaked and hurriedly put the knives down.

"I swear I wasn't touching them!" he reasoned out and I saw a vein popping in Erika's forehead.

'Looks like things won't be easy for her...or us' I groaned as I look at Alex who's giving me a pleading look for help.