012 Training

"My body hurtsss" Alex complained as he layed sprawled on the floor, chest heaving up and down in exhaustion. If you're wondering what happened well long story short we began this so called training Erika prepared for us to survive on our own and man all I can say is, this is brutal.

"Let's escape from here Aiden I would take running away from zombies than getting beaten to death by her" Alex complained some more and I sighed heavily.

"We're not getting beaten to death, she's just training us" I pointed out and Alex whined like a child.

"I swear she's doing this on purpose! I have bruises!" he argued, extending his right arm towards me and pointing at a spot in his arm that had gone purplish.

"That's your fault for irritating her" I deadpanned, remembering the unsightly incident that left me laughing my ass out and getting beaten because of it.

An hour ago after I agreed with what Erika suggested she asked us to take her when we travel but she noted that if we're in trouble she would only watch unless we're on the verge of death, she explained that training won't be enough so she wants us to have some experience, a way to get rid of our fears.

"A moment of fear would froze you and even if it's just in a blink of an eye you'll be facing the gates of heavens so we need to get rid of the fears" was what she said and quite literally hammered it in our heads as she repeat it whenever we made a mistake during combat. Alex sadly made a mistake, he picked up the crossbow even after Erika told him not to touch it then accidentally shot Erika's side after he pointed it towards in a mocking way while she wasn't looking. The arrow didn't hurt her since it just went past her because Alex's aim was awful though it did scratch her arm.

The look on Alex's face was priceless when Erika slowly turned to look at us with a face that was three seconds away from going berserk, literally. She called out to Alex and suggested a hand to hand combat for our first training, Alex was of course nervous but the idiot mocked her saying 'I will never rais my arm against a woman'. Welp that's a pretty bold statement coming from him after he almost shot Erika's arm with an arrow and I wouldn't really call it quite an accident.

Alex ass was handed to him when the training began. Erika instantly went for him like a bull and he tried to run away only to be caught and slammed on the ground a little hard and was put on a headlock till he was crying buckets. I laughed so hard at the scenery and called Erika a man with boobs and well...you can guess what happened next after that and that's what brought us to where we are now, laying on the floor as our bodies tried to cope up with what we went through.

"I seriously didn't mean what I did, I thought it won't shoot" he complained childishly with a pout and groaned when he accidentally hit his bruise.

"I wanna get out of here" Alex sighed in defeat, making weird sobbing noises and it was seriously taking a toll on my sanity towards him.

"Just shut up please I wanna rest" I murmured and put my arm over my eyes, a heavy sigh escaping my lips as I close my eyes to take a short nap.

"Hey Aiden don't sleep here we're on the dirty floors" I ignored him and heard nothing in return, just some shifting noise.

'Finally! Some peace' with that I closed my eyes and tried to get some rest, who cares if I'm laying on a dusty tiled floor, all I need is to replenish my stamina that is currently down to 13/100.


"Hey Lad wake up, it's late" I heard Erika's voice calling onto me but I seriously don't wanna get up yet.

"If you don't there will be consequences" she added and I ignored her warning. I heard her walk away and shifted on a more comfortable position, planning to continue my slumber when out of nowhere ice cold water poured into me, well mostly on my head. I bolted straight up then coughed heavily, clutching my head when some water managed to enter my nose and I accidentally inhaled it. Damn the gods it hurt.

I opened my eyes and saw Alex nervously waving his other arm while the other hold an empty pail.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I snapped at him and he flinched.

"The scary woman made me do it" he whispered in an apologetic tone but I ain't having any of it. I stood up and grab him by his collar only for Erika's voice to echo through the whole building.

"What are you two useless creatures doing!? I'm gonna beat your asses if the food went cold and let you two sleep outside!" She threatened and I was so glad this was a safezone or she would've attracted even the zombies who's 2 miles away.

I let go of Alex's shirt and strode over Erika.

"I don't have any spare shirts"

"Then be naked, I don't care"

Welp, her statement left me dumbfounded and my mouth open as she left while Alex just went pass me, murmuring a hundred apologies.

I groaned and took my shirt off, hanging it on one of the opened windows before following Alex's steps on where they probably set up dinner. To be honest Erika was...well she was literally cruel yet at the same time I can't really fight back, mind you she was taller than me and I'm 6'2 while Alex was probably around 5'9. I also won't forget how her body isn't petite, she was sexy that I could tell but she also had some muscles and a four pack abs. Man I'm jealous, I wonder what her job was back in the real world, she can't be serving in the military since she told me the uniform wasn't hers.

When I arrive in one of the rooms that was lit with a lot of candles, I was surprised to see a medium round table on the center filled with food, cooked food not canned and prepackaged food that I was expecting.

"Woah where did you get the ingredients?" I asked in utter amazement and Erika actually looked proud, the permanent scowl on her face gone for a second.

"I would stock up some foods whenever I decided to raid a group of people" she proudly announced and somehow I saw that answer coming so I just nodded and took a seat on the bed, there was only one wooden chair afterall and I'm sure that's Erika's place. We began our meal in complete yet comfortable silence and the taste of the food almost brought tears to my eyes.

"It's good" I whispered and digged in some more. Alex nodded and Erika scoffed yet I caught the smile but made no commentary about it.

It was honestly a great night and I just wished it would last though the danger lurks and I'm not really excited that the day would come where we need to face some zombies to gain some 'experience' as Erika instructed.