015 Not inside a Game

"A massive what now?" I asked for confirmation.

"Do I seriously have to repeat myself?" Erika sighed.

"There was a massive virus breakout three years ago before this crappy world became even more crappier" she finished with a scoff, crossing her arms around her chest.

''A massive virus breakout three years ago...but I've come to this world 6 days ago'' I whispered weakly, my mind not being able to process the current situation.

If what Erika said was true then does that mean I wasn't transported inside the game. If that's the case then was I kidnapped and dragged into this world? Definitely no, there's more than one reason why it's impossible so how can I explain what happened to me after I fainted that night before waking up here? Does the answer to this goes beyond reality or am I somehow in a different dimension from earth? Different planet perhaps? Man this is hard.

I groaned and slap Alex's arm in frustration, earning a hiss from him.

"What was that for!?" he demanded, clutching his stinging arm.

"I'm frustrated, confused and suffering a mental block" I answered stressfully. Alex nodded in agreement but his face doesn't seem like he's bothered.

"Can you tell us more about this outbreak years ago?" I finally asked and Erika nodded.

"You have to tell me about that watch of yours in turn" she suggested and I nodded. Seems fair enough.

"I don't really know the full details but there was a news before the whole world fell into a state of emergency. It was a massive chaos, no one knew it was possible even after hearing the news telling everyone that an unknown airborne flue spreaded from one of the largest facility that experiments on animals but no one clarified what the flue can do to a person so I guess it's the government's fault that this happened. Everyone was unprepared and that leads to where we are now" Erika explained, hatred clear in her tone.

"Fucking humans who did this, I hope they all died a painful death" she seethed in rage, her fists clenching on her sides.

"What if some of them are still alive?" I asked quietly and her hand came down on the table hard making me and Alex flinch.

"I'll hunt those bastards down and make them pay!"

"Pay for what?" Alex murmured.

Erika didn't respond and it seemed Alex was gonna ask again so I stomped on his foot and earned another hiss along with a dozen colorful language.

'So he can cuss? Somehow saw that coming' I shrugged.

"Well thank you for telling us that information, I'm still confused and don't know how to connect the proper dots and came up with an answer to our situation and other players–Err people" I coughed out, scratching the back of my neck.

"Why do you keep referring to other people players Lad?" Erika questioned suspiciously. She placed her hands on the table and leaned on them, staring at me with cold and calculated eyes like she's trying to stare deep into my soul and it's very uncomfortable.

"Which should I tell? The watch or the other players?" I asked and Erika put her hand up with two of her fingers up, showing me a peace sign.

'Both? Well I guess the watch and the other players are somehow related' I thought before I took a deep breath and began explaining.

"So six days ago I woke up in this place, laying sprawled on the freaking hard and bumpy road because of cracks but before that I was playing in my room. It was nighttime and I was live while I go up against the boss that no one ever defeated before in the game called Corpse Wonderland well after I defeated it I acquired this" I tapped on the watch and Erika nodded. She seemed intrigued about my story that her eyes was lit up with interest.

"This watch was called the watch of resurrection, a legendary item that only I had. After playing out of nowhere my screen was shut off so I tried to find out what happened but I was experiencing excruciating pain all of a sudden and the only thing I could do was kneel on the floor and awaited for the pain to subside yet I fainted...but" I paused and Erika asked along with Alex what happened eagerly.

"Well before I fainted I noticed blood dripping down my nose and ears" I answered earning weird looks from them.

"So I'll guess you wake up in this place?" Erika confirmed once more and I nodded. She frowned and place her hand on her cheek with a thoughtful look.

"That's messed up Lad, and on top of that I'm a little doubtful since your story just seemed way too farfetch and..."

"Unrealistic?" I finished for her and she nodded grimly.

"Well I can prove to you that it's true" I stated and her attention went back to me again.

"Look at this, see this crafts? look what happens when I click one of the items that's available to craft" I explained and slowly showed her the item and how arrows appeared on the map out of nowhere.

"Those arrows would show me the location of the items I needed to make this certain gears and on top of that I can also search for food and items to replenish my stamina but that's not all. The map allows me to spot zombies and other players and I can easily indicate which is human and which is not by the color on the map, if it's a red dot then it's a zombie yet if it's a white dot then it's a player"

Erika nodded once more and then sighed heavily.

"Alright I believe you somehow but telling me how the watch works is not enough" she concluded and I suddenly remembered something that happened a few days ago.

"Well I told you this watch is called 'The watch of resurrection' right?" I asked slowly and she faced me with a raised brow.

"What about it?"

"Well believe it or not, not to long ago Alex and I died because of my carelessness and well...we woke up without our clothes on and there was no trace that we were devoured by a hungry mutated dog" I finished though I have doubts that Erika believed it.

"You're joking aren't you?" she asked and that answer's my doubts.

"To be honest he's telling the truth" Alex slid in the conversation and Erika's attention was back to him.

"I wouldn't know that unless I killed one of you and then saw you come back to life with my own eyes..." she suggested hesitantly and suddenly out of nowhere she pointed her gun at my head and pulled the trigger while I heard Alex scream on the background before everything went black.