Chapter 1

Ivan Syrin, 20 years old, a native of St. Petersburg, a student at the St. Petersburg Poly ... was. "Was" not because he was expelled, although that would have ended if Ivan had not stopped reading Chinese cultivators in pairs, but because he ... died. He, on the way to the couples, was hit by a black truck (they say that going to the couples is unhealthy). Ivan woke up hanging in a completely empty space, his first thought was: "Damn, I thought black trucks, hunt for the selection of reincarnations only in Japan. Anyway, where am I? According to the laws of the genre, now a sexy goddess should appear in front of me and offer me a rebirth. Oh, there she is! Or not? ".

A clerical desk, piled high with papers, appeared in front of Ivan, at which a typical employee of state institutions sat in an easy chair: a not too pretty woman of about 40 with a cold, indifferent look. - Hello, since you were sent to this world by our rebirth service, you have the opportunity to start life in another world, just as you are our first client in Russia, you will receive rebirth bonuses. Please name the work in the world of which you would like to be reborn and sign here, here and here. - said an employee of this office in a machine voice and handed Ivan a stack of papers and a pen with suspicious crimson ink.

Ivan, after a little thought, called the first work that came to mind (the Chinese cultivator, which Ivan read the last) - "Full-time magician" and took the pen in his hand, but as soon as he touched it, his hand itself signed all the papers in the right places ... - What the …? - the poor student began to be indignant, but was interrupted by the clerical worker - Thank you for signing the contract, you will be reborn in the chosen world, but so that you do not get bored, since in this world the awakening of magic is carried out at the age of 16, you will immediately get into your 16- summer body and you will have all the memories of a new life, some of the bonuses you will receive immediately upon rebirth, and the rest - upon awakening magic. And remember that according to the terms of the contract you signed, after your death in the new world, your soul will go to our organization for eternal slavery ... - What the fuck? - the stunned student began to be indignant, but at that moment it darkened in his eyes, and Ivan discovered that he was lying in bed and his alarm clock was screaming heart-rendingly.

Ivan got out of bed, instinctively turned off the alarm on his smartphone, while rightly remarking: "What kind of old smartphone I have in the new world, that it wasn't enough for this Office to trick me into signing a soul contract and my new phone for 20k had to be taken away ? ". At that moment Ivan was flooded with memories of his past "life" in the new world, and he began to ponder his current position: "So, my name is the same as in the past world, I am 16 years old and now it is 2015, that is, in this world I was born on the same date as in the past. I finished the 9th grade, passed the local OGE in the theory of magic at 5 and entered the magic college as a magician. It turns out funny, in this world only those who do not want or cannot become a magician finish 11 grades and write the exam, and magic colleges are a prestigious place of study, a truly parallel world. Today September 1 is the first school day in college, and, accordingly, the day of my first awakening of magic, so, I hope this clerical bitch did not lie about the bonuses, otherwise the world of the full-time Magician is rather harsh, due to the large number of monsters that inhabit all the space of the Earth, not occupied by people, and I do not want to fall into eternal slavery without having lived my life to the fullest. At the very least, you need to get a girl, and more than one, because I am a hit, I am entitled to a harem by status. "

Ivan looked around in the room - it was exactly like his room in a previous life, only it was even more messy. "Is that possible?" - thought the sloppy student: "Oh, yes, in this life my parents are top-level magicians and hunter-mentors of 3 stars (First bonus? Maybe), so as I turned 12 they began to appear at home no more than once a year, hunting this time for monsters all over Russia, so I live alone in a three-room hut. I live on crazy money that they send me every month, a MILLION rubles a month, a MILLION, apparently hunters in this world earn a lot, although if you remember the original cultivator, for a top-level magician this is a ridiculous amount (artifacts for a high level cost hundreds of millions of yuan , and the yuan is about 10 rubles ...), with such a "allowance" you don't need to work, but I want not just a lot of money, but power and a harem, so I have to cultivate. "

Ivan went to the mirror and looked at the "new" himself, his appearance remained the same, only with the amendment that Ivan now looks like in his 16 years, which is logical. Ivan noticed on his neck a strange amulet in the form of a dragon's head: "What am I, a witcher of the Dragon School? Hehe, amulet, Kontra apparently does not have any imagination, because in the original cultivator and in all the fanfiction about it, the main character has an imba amulet, I wonder what mine can do? "

Suddenly, in the midst of long internal monologues, Ivan discovered that his first school day in college starts at 10 am, and now it is 9:20, it takes at least half an hour to get to college ... Quickly, putting on the first clothes he comes across, eating a sandwich on the go, hastily assembled from all that was in the refrigerator, a former university student and now a proud student of the magic college, Ivan rushed to college.

Arriving at the college at 9:59 am, Ivan saw a crowd of people on a large platform near the college building and thought that he should go there. On the site were about 100 new college freshmen, looking at a man of about 50 in a formal suit who had just started to erase a speech about how important magicians are, that all hope is in the young students of this college, blah, blah, blah, and the like. ... "Come on quickly finish your pathetic speech and let me awaken my imba, I've already seen such speeches in the original cultivator and several fanfiction about it," Ivan was mentally rushing the pretentious man in a suit. "… I'm glad to see so many promising people here in our college, good luck with your awakening, I wish you awaken strong magic," said the man, who, as follows from his speech, is the director of the college Stanislav Mikhailovich Veslov.

As soon as the director finished his speech, the teachers standing next to him began to call their groups into classes, Ivan found his group number on the college website in the enrollment documents using his smartphone: "I have a group number 1321001/51002, damn why here the same moronic group numbering as in my university in a past life? How did they fucking come up with this here? And as I remember this, I didn't remember the last number of the group either ". Ivan nailed to a bunch of people, following a woman with a sign, but which was the number of Ivan's group: "There are only 5 groups here, and their numbers differ only in the last digit, then why the hell do you make a 12-digit number ?!" - while Ivan cursed the wonderful numbering of the groups, their progression managed to reach the office.

Ivan hurried to take a place at one of the last desks in the class and began to look at the woman who brought them into the office - Hello, my name is Svetlana Georgievna and I am the curator of your group. Today, on the first day of school, you will awaken your first element - the teacher took a black ball with a stand from a box on the teacher's table and put it on a stool. - Each person should come up, put their hands on the ball of awakening and focus on their inner world, come as soon as I call you - said Svetlana Georgievna and began to read the names on the list - Alieva Ekaterina - a pretty dark-haired girl sitting on the first desk with an elegant gait approached to the ball and put her hands on it and froze for a few seconds, after which the ball lit up orange - Fire, and quite strong, well, the next "Pretty girl, and even with a strong element, you will have to hit" - Arkisov Timur - Wind, next ... - freshmen approached one after another - Minaeva Oksana - a tall blonde came out, after a while the ball lit up with a blue-greenish glow - Water enhanced by a swamp spiritual seed "I seem to remember that in St. , the swamp, and bog spiritual seeds at auctions in St. Petersburg are 10 times cheaper than usual "- ... Oh giev Pavel - got up a tall "wardrobe" and slowly walked to the ball, which after a while lit up with a brownish-greenish glow - the Earth, reinforced by a swamp spiritual seed, you must have the second spiritual element in the class ... Syrin Ivan - "finally, my turn, imba come to me "thought Ivan and walked to the ball of awakening.

Ivan went up to the ball of awakening, put his hands on it, closed his eyes and tried to focus on his inner world, whatever that means, although Ivan had an idea of ​​awakening from the original cultivator, to experience it himself in reality is a completely different matter. Ivan found himself in the middle of endless outer space. Suddenly Ivan noticed a glow and focused on the stars that appeared in his spiritual world - these were 7 stars constantly appearing and disappearing changing their color "What is this element? Chaos? Is he usually awakened at least at a high level? Oh gods, this is the most difficult element in the development, how will I develop it then at the initial level? Damn Office, yes, this element is imba, but only if you develop it and if you have other elements !!! ".

Suddenly Ivan noticed that not only chaos stars appeared in his inner world, but two more groups of stars: silver and transparent, Ivan also noticed that all his stars were shining very brightly. "Oh, I think I was complaining early. I have awakened 3 elements !!! Chaos, space and appeal! True, it is not much easier to develop space than chaos, because this element is also usually awakened at a minimum at a high level. The appeal is easier to develop, but also not too easy. Yes, until my awakened elements have time to become imba, I'll have time to die ten times and get to Office in eternal slavery ... Well, we must first develop the appeal, maybe with the help of an amulet it will turn out to subdue all the stars in time, then it will be possible to try and develop space ... ". Ivan came out of his inner world and saw that the stone of awakening was emitting a strong colorless glow. - Call! - Svetalana Georgievna said delightedly - Congratulations, at the initial level it is very difficult to awaken this element, and you have a very strong glow, but I warn you that the development of a call requires a lot of resources and time, it is more difficult to develop than elements of elemental magic, so you should make more effort than others! - "Yes, teacher, and you still don't know that I awakened space and chaos in addition, although this is for the best, fortunately the elements awakened at a very small interval (much less than Mo Fan's), so no one noticed that there were 3 elements, and not just one, otherwise I would immediately interest influential people and I would not be able to choose myself for whom to work, but one slave contract is enough for me anyway. "

Ivan, under the surprised, envious and admiring glances of his classmates, walked through the classroom and sat down in his place - Next, Olga Tomonova - a short girl with short red hair approached the ball and after waking up, the ball lit up with a bright purple glow - Lightning, this is the rarest element of elemental magic and the most powerful of elemental magic at the entry level, congratulations! - said the teacher, but after Ivan awakened the element of the magic of changes, the group reacted calmly to the fact of the lightning awakening. - Olga went to her place, throwing at the same time a destructive glance at Ivan.

After the remaining students awakened their elements of elemental magic, there were no more spiritual seeds and elements of non-elemental magic in the class, Svetlana Georgievna said - Congratulations to everyone on your awakening, remember that there are no weak elements, all elements are good if you develop them enough. Your classes will begin tomorrow, but now go home.