Chapter 2

Ivan, upon coming home, immediately decided to try to start cultivating, although in college they had to tell how it is done, only the next day, Ivan knew the basics from the original cultivator. "So, as far as I remember, creating magic consists of three steps: spiritual meditation, establishing control, and creating magic itself. We should try to meditate, and after that we should start establishing control over the stars of the summoning element. "

Ivan sat down on the bed, closed his eyes and plunged into his inner world. Three large stars appeared before his gaze, around each of which seven small ones revolved. Ivan again drew attention to the fact that all his stars were shining very brightly. "I wonder if it should be so? Although, the teacher also said that the glow is very strong, maybe from the very beginning I did not have one spiritual boundary, but higher? It would be cool, but how do you know? Okay, I have to meditate. Hmmmmm ... "

Spiritual meditation turned out to be not the most interesting activity, but Ivan, who at the university in a past life once even sat out a double pair in higher mathematics, was able to meditate without a break for a long time, although he occasionally wanted to stop doing this garbage and go to the refrigerator for something- to devour something. When evening came, Ivan decided to try to take up control of the stars, but since usually the magician begins to show successes in control at least two to three months after awakening, Ivan simply did not spend 5 hours of time and all his mental strength on anything. "And when trying to control the stars, time flies fast, damn it is already 3 am, and tomorrow at 9 am I get up, but how could I spend 5 hours monitoring the control? Mo Fan could spend a maximum of 2 hours under control, and then, due to the fact that he has two elements, in theory I should be capable of only 3 hours of control, maybe this is because of the amulet? It will be necessary to find out what properties it has. Or maybe this is because of the increased spiritual boundaries, if, of course, they are raised for me. Okay, I'll go to bed. "

The next day, when the last pair - practical magic - came to an end, Ivan was about to go home when the teacher said:

- Ivan Syrin in the audience? Come to me, please - Ivan, reluctantly, approached the teacher, Semyon Yuryevich, it seems, his name was.

- Hello, Semyon Yuryevich, I am Ivan Syrin, you asked me to come.

- Yes, congratulations on the awakening of the call, few people awaken it at the initial level, I wanted to tell you that my second element is the call, so you can contact me with questions about the development of this element.

-Ok, thanks, goodbye - Ivan said and hurried home.

For Ivan, the first academic months were very monotonous - he went to college for pairs, and spent all his free time on spiritual meditation and 5-hour attempts to control the stars. "Yeah, if it were not for the fact that after death I will fall into eternal slavery, then I would not have studied so hard, but I, damn it, did not spend so much time studying in elementary school." - Ivan complained to himself, but still continued to cultivate.

Ivan subdued the first star in mid-October, but at the same time it turned out that in his group a couple of people already controlled one star, despite the fact that Ivan can train the control of stars for 5 times longer than the others. "Apparently, the difference in the difficulty of controlling the stars of summoning and the stars of elemental magic is greater than I thought, in freeloaders," Ivan thought, gritting his teeth. "

In mid-November, Ivan's parents called - "Oh, they remembered my existence, apparently the money is transferred to me every month by automatic payment" - Ivan thought and picked up the receiver, from which his mother's voice came out, the same as in his previous life:

- Hello, Vanyusha, sorry for not calling for a long time - we are in the Urals, for the last 3 months we have been tracking down a commander attacking small towns and villages, but how are you? Do you think you went to college? How awakening, what element? How many stars do you already control? - Ivan's mother Vika quickly began to question him.

- Hi Mom, normal affairs, I awakened the call, I control one star, I feel that I will soon gain control of the second. - After a short silence from the tube came the satisfied laugh of Father Ivan and something like "my boy."

- Oh, great news, your father and I are proud of you, at such a pace in the future you will surpass us! - Ivan's mother said happily - Your father and I will return to St. Petersburg at the end of April and will stay until you subdue all the stars so that your father helps you with your first call - Ivan strained the memory of his past "life" in this world and remembered that his father had a third element in this world - a call. - Also, since you are now a magician, we will send you more money and mail some artifacts to speed up your cultivation. - But this news made Ivan happy - "Maybe I can learn more about my amulet by feeding him artifacts?"

- Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to your arrival, okay, I have to run, while - Ivan said quickly and hung up - "It's good that they will come only in six months, otherwise there's such a shit in the apartment ... And I hope they are artifacts not by Russian post will be sent, although I have no idea how she works in this world. "

The parcel arrived to Ivan half a month later, the parcel contained a small metal container with several dents on it - "I wonder if it was like that, or did the mail try?" - Ivan opened a metal container - it contained two rings, three amulets and a piece of paper on which, in Ivan's mother's handwriting, it was written what artifact was making. "Hmm, let's see, one ring makes it easier to establish control over the stars up to the average level, inclusive, and the second - slightly speeds up the cultivation of spiritual boundaries on small boundaries, and among the amulets there are two cultivation tools of the spirit level and one vessel for souls that can hold souls up to the level of the leader of the pack. In general, as I thought, the Rodaks sent me artifacts, which are rubbish even for a high-level magician, although, thanks to them for that, Mo Fan did not have any support at all, and even 100 million rubles, which they now give me every month send, it will be enough to buy all the necessary artifacts. "

Ivan put on all five artifacts on himself at the same time and decided to try to cultivate, suddenly his amulet in the shape of a dragon's head somehow reacts, Ivan just closed his eyes, when he felt that the amulet in the shape of a dragon's head vibrated and energy from all artifacts poured into him, except rings, facilitating the establishment of control over the stars, after a few seconds Ivan felt that one ring and three amulets had become just beautiful trinkets without a drop of magical energy. "But do it, it means that my amulet is a cultivation vessel, a vessel for souls and an artifact that accelerates the cultivation of spiritual boundaries, cool!".

With the help of a ring and an amulet, Ivan learned to control the seven stars of the call element by mid-February, but did not seek to advertise this, since no one in their college checked the number of controlled stars, just everyone who cannot release magic on the exam in June will be expelled from college. "So, great, I'll say in college that I learned to control 7 stars only at the end of April, when my father would help me with the first call, and the fact that I learned to control the stars of the call element so quickly I'll explain with an artifact - a ring. Now, at least until the moment of the first call, I will try to tackle the element of space, with a ring and a pumped amulet, I must quickly subdue his stars "

By the end of March, as many as three of Ivan's classmates were able to release magic - Oksana with water reinforced with a swamp spiritual seed, Pavel with earth reinforced with a swamp spiritual seed, and Olga with an element of lightning. After the first magic graduation, these college students were transferred to a special group to learn how to release magic before the exam. Ivan heard that the college is giving out special resources to the students of this special group, but decided to wait for the arrival of the parents until the first call.

Ivan's hopes for a quick subjugation of the stars of the element of space did not come true - it took about two months to control the first star. "Yeah, I thought it was difficult to control the summoning stars, compared to the stars of space - the summoning stars are meek sheep, it looks like the element of chaos will have to be mastered at an average level. After my first call, I will have to try to hunt weak beasts of the servant level, maybe my amulet will be pumped and the speed of space cultivation will increase, although you shouldn't forget about the call element either - the amount of energy depends on the level of summoning magic, and, as a result, the time spent a conscript being in our world. "

In mid-April, Ivan came to his senses that he did not know on what specific day his parents would arrive, and, therefore, it would not be possible to clean the apartment on the last day before arrival. A week before the end of the month, Ivan nevertheless began to clean the apartment - he swept in the hallway, he was not enough for more, and scored. On the evening of April 30, Ivan's parents arrived. Ivan's father examined the filthy apartment with a stern look and said:

- I thought it would be worse. Apparently, cultivation has a positive effect on you, hello, Vanya, come on, tell me how you are doing and progress in establishing control over the stars of the summoning element.