Chapter 3

Ivan's mother went to cook dinner, of course, from the products bought on the way home, Ivan's parents expected that only sausage, dumplings and dumplings would be from the food at home. At this time, Ivan and his father went to the room, where Ivan, thinking, said:

- Dad, in fact, I awakened not only a call, but also a space with chaos, and the glow of the stars of all these elements is unusual, I did not say earlier, because I didn't want to talk about it on the phone, can you see what I have with the elements?

- Interestingly - Ivan's father Victor said in a slightly incredulous tone - I'll take a look - Victor put his hand on Ivan's forehead and plunged into his inner world. After a while, Victor recoiled from Ivan and exclaimed happily - You have not only three elements of the magic of change at the initial level, but also an innate 4 spiritual boundary! This is equivalent to a secondary soul seed for transformation magic! You are a miracle! You will definitely surpass me and your mom in the future!

At these screams, Ivan's mother entered the room and looked at Victor with an inquiring look. Ivan's father told Vika about Ivan's 3 elements and 4 spiritual boundaries, after which she happily hugged Ivan and asked how Ivan's control over the stars of these three elements was doing. Ivan replied:

- In mid-February, I learned how to control all 7 summoning stars, the artifacts you sent helped a lot. But in the remaining time, I was able to subdue only 1 star of space.

- You cultivate by leaps and bounds! Well done, with space and shouldn't be easy at that basic level. - Said Father Ivan - Let's then go out of town tomorrow morning and make your first call.

The next day, in the morning, Ivan and his parents drove by car into the forest 70 kilometers from St. Petersburg - at such a small distance from the big city, there was nothing in the woods that could be dangerous for a high-level magician, let alone two high-level magicians ...

Ivan and his parents left the car on the side of the highway, which was protected from monsters, and walked through the forest until they found a large clearing next to the swamps. On the way, Ivan did not see a single monster, apparently because they felt the strength of Ivan's parents and did not dare to come closer than a few kilometers.

Ivan, to whom his father on the way told everything you need to know at the first call, closed his eyes, concentrated and slowly gathered the stars into a constellation. Energy began to radiate from Ivan and a gap began to appear in the space in front of him.

Ivan discovered that he saw a strange forest in front of him, in which there were many monsters. In this world, Ivan could quickly move from one place to another, like in a dream. "So this is what it is, the dimension of the call, I got into the wooded part of it. I ought to find some strong monster of the servant level, I definitely cannot summon the leader of the pack. Servants are divided into lower, younger, older and higher (evolving). I need to try to summon the highest servant, I think I will succeed, despite the fact that I have only the first stage of summoning magic, I have 4 spiritual boundaries, which are usually reached at a high level. "

Ivan moved through the forest until he noticed a giant brown bear (compared to those found in Ivan's home world) - it was 3 meters at the withers and about 5.5 meters in length. "This bear looks strong and ferocious, but he is definitely not the Leader of the Pack yet. I'll try to summon him. " Ivan directed his energy to the bear and began to put a spiritual seal. The bear looked at the magician with an appraising glance, growled and let the spiritual seal be put on himself. "Hurray, we succeeded! He growled, apparently for decency. "

Ivan woke up in the real world and a giant bear crawled out of the rift in front of him.

-You summoned a Superior Servant-level Brown Bear on the first try, impressive. It's good that my help was not needed - his father praised Ivan.

Ivan looked at the bear and said:

- I will call you Clubfoot - at this the bear growled happily and went back to the recruiting space.

Ivan returned home with his parents. Ivan's parents said that they would stay in St. Petersburg for another week, after which they would go on an expedition to Siberia, which could last for several years. According to Ivan's memory from his past "life" in this world and the stories of his parents, the situation with monsters in the country was as follows:

In the European part of Russia it was more or less safe, Generals and Commanders-in-Chief were found only far from settlements and very rarely made attempts to attack cities. But in Siberia and the Urals, it was fucked up. In Siberia, there were at least 9 Emperors, 1 of which is the highest (Emperors are divided into junior, senior, true and superior (such as the ruler of the South)), 2 true, 3 senior and at least 3 junior. Periodically, armies of monsters, led by emperors or supreme commanders, who were like mud in spring in Siberia, tried to cross the Urals, and they could succeed, if not for the fact that in Russia there were two "totems", which were locally called Beasts. Guardians: Wonder-Yudo-Fish-Whale, which lives in the Arctic Ocean and does not allow the sea supreme commanders and Emperors to approach the shores of Russia from the north and Serpent-Gorynych, who lives in the Urals and kills all the Emperors who are trying to cross the Urals. Serpent-Gorynych disdains monsters of the level of the highest commander and below, when he is not hungry, and usually kills them only by accident, as collateral damage. Both Russian Guardian Beasts are the highest Emperors, that's why people still live in Russia. In Siberia, only the southern regions were inhabited, as well as Chukotka and Kamchatka.

In connection with this situation, Russia needed a large number of strong magicians, who were intensively trained in universities and magic colleges throughout the country. The training standards for magicians in Russia were higher than in other countries, universities graduated magicians of the highest level, those who did not reach the highest level before the age of 30 were expelled. Under these conditions, many different resources were provided to university students. Due to the large number of resources provided to students, Russia did not participate in the International University competitions in Venice - they, together with preliminary visits to various countries, took too much time, and the best students of Russian universities received more resources than the competitors. Resources in Russia were obtained from a large number of places rich in the energy of any element and from hordes of monsters that are killed every day in Siberia and the Urals.

On the next school day, before a couple on practical magic, Ivan approached the teacher and said:

- Excuse me, I learned how to release the magic of summoning and on the weekend I made my first call - Ivan, of course, did not remember the name of the teacher.

- Ivan, congratulations, I'm surprised that you managed to learn how to release summoning magic so quickly, because even about half of your classmates with elemental elements do not yet control all seven stars. Come up to me after pairs, show me the call and you will be transferred to a special group. - Semyon Yuryevich said in surprise.

After the pairs, Semyon Yuryevich took Ivan to the area for the practice of magic, there were already two teachers, Ivan did not know them.

Ivan, this is Tatyana Vladimirovna, a teacher of practical magic in a special group, and this is Nikolai Sergeevich, head of a special group - Semyon Yuryevich introduced the teachers, to which they nodded briefly.

Ivan moved some distance away from the teachers and called on Kosolapy, after which they opened their mouths. Nikolai Sergeevich, who was the first to regain his composure, said:

- This is what I understand, a promising student, to call the highest Servant with the first call is a talent you need to have, but now the main thing for you is not to become proud, but to try to reach the average level as soon as possible. From the next day you are in a special group - after these words Nikolai Sergeevich with two dumbfounded teachers left the training ground, and Ivan returned Kosolapy to the recruiting dimension and went home.

When the next day Ivan came to the first pair in the special group a few minutes before the start in the morning, Olga - Ivan's classmate who awakened the lightning - said:

- Hey, conscript, you made the wrong office, you go further down the corridor, to the rest of the star controllers.

- I have come where I need to - Ivan answered dryly and sat down at the last desk. Pavel, a classmate of Ivan with a swampy spiritual seed of the earth, sat down next to him.

"Dude, can you really do magic now?" Congratulations, I've heard summoning stars are much more difficult to control than elemental stars. Who have you called? BUT? Will you show it?

- I call the bear, somehow, as there will be an opportunity - I will show.

- Bear? Cool, probably a strong monster. - Pavel said and fell silent, as at that moment the couple began.

In a special group of the 1st year of college and on subsequent courses, students for activity in pairs, success in cultivation and participation in various activities received points that could be exchanged for various resources: cultivation tools of various qualities, defensive and attacking artifacts for the entry level and many others. ... Ivan decided to first save up for a couple of cultivation tools for feeding the amulet, and then buy a protective artifact, since the summoning magician himself is very vulnerable, and Ivan will not master the element of space soon.