Chapter 11

Getting home I did my chores , have my bath had a short nap cause I was completely stressed out and sleepy . I had some kinda weird dream about the guy in the basement when I woke up it was like the basement was calling me .I checked the wall clock it was already 7:30 pm and aunt has not come yet .

I quickly prepare dinner and fill my hungry stomach and soon I was standing in front of the basement .

Perfect opportunity I robbed my palms together and licked my down lip in excitement .I removed the pin on my hair and I let it fall down my shoulder and I open the door . Walking quietly inside both excited , scared , alert and cold I saw him .

He was standing and I guess he notice that am around because I was pointing the torch light on him .

He had an hunchback .

" What are you doing here ?

I stopped right in my track . Did he just spoke ?

His voice was perfect . It was not cracked or odd.

It was a normal masculine voice .

" You know little girl I can take advantage of you and escape " he said still facing backwards .

I swallowed a gulp to lubricate my throat .

I could see that he curved a smile on his lips .

" Who are you ?

He seems to be listen to something else and within a second he drag my arms and covered my lips with his hands . I was struggling and groaning at the same time and making noises with my feet and soon I became quiet because of his eyes that shut me up .

I heard footsteps I'm the basement . This strange guy has hid me in the basement behind a damage chair .

" What are you doing here ? " He asked someone in the shadows . I gently look at the man and his companies.

They look like harm robbers . They where Five in number . The leader was at the front holding a gun and two of them were holding daggers while the rest two giant harmers .

This is very bad I was so scared and the basement guy seems okay .

" Where is Gyacie !! the leader asked very arrogant.

" I don't know who is Gyacie " .

How did this ugly gangster know my name ? My phone was not with me this is bad . I felt like screaming or maybe I should run away but it's stupid of me to think of running when they is no escape route except for the main door which the gangsters are standing close to .

" I can smell roses " . The leader of the gang said ....

" Yeah me too . A girl is in here " .. the other member said.

is this man a dog or something how could perceive my scent in this dusty basement .

I heard footsteps coming closer to where I hid . I shot my eyes tight hoping a miracle will happen.

" Hurghhhhhh" I peep to see a dead man lying close to the chair where I hid .

I heard a gun shot it was so loud followed by a loud cry and another gunshot I closed my ears waiting for the wat to end soon it ended .

I stood up searching for him since all the robbers are Dead now.

" Hello !

Maybe he escape . How did those robbers get in I am sure I .....

Oh no I forgot to lock the gate with keys.

The robbers weren't here for money they were asking about me .

Yes let me call aunty .

Turning around just the person I was wondering where he went was at my back looking at me as if he hasn't seen anything like me before .

Wait a minute ....

Those eyes I have seen it before but where .....

His hair was long and unkept but beautiful and dark ,

Covering a part of his ugly face that makes me remember the beautiful lady in the picture ...

That's it .

His eyes where exactly hers no wonder it is familiar .....

I was still looking at them when it glowed in the dark ...

" Your eyes .. did it just glow " . I was kinda confused ..

" Yeah it happens when I find someone so adorable and innocent " .

" please excuse me and stay here don't move " .

" And why will I listen to you....."


I was in the room soon I saw the stupid phone .

I quickly call my aunty .... But someone else answered .

It was the same voice of the caller that night .

That said he has dumped the BODY. My palm became sweaty all of a sudden .

" Your sweet aunt is about to pay for her atrocities" .

" What do you mean by that . Please give her the phone I want to speak with her please " .I summoned up courage to reply back .

" ok " . Soon I heard her she was talking pretty fast and was crying at the same time .

" Gyacie listen to me carefully ok...

You might not see me again I might die any moment from now but all I did was just to protect him ."

" Him . who ?" I said over the phone already scared of what will happen to her...

" There is a boy in our basement is name is Crispy . Release him and find the three hidden keys in the basement and three other new friends and unlock the passage way to death and find Azrael ..."

" Aunty I don't care who is Azrael or passage of death I just want you to come back please. where are you ? I will call the police to come get you right away ..."

" See Gyacie listen to me the police can't do anything you are the one that can fix this . Right now you are in a dream you have do what I tell you cause when you wake up everyone and everything you love will be gone ."

"Aunty please don't die ...." She didn't reply

" Aunt , Aunty,Aunty!!!!"

" Hey girl " the man said over the phone

" She is Dead you are the next " He ended up the call .

" Nooo no no no no no no no no It's can't be . it's a lie " .

Soon I received a message from my WhatsApp

It was a pic .

My aunty was separated from her head . The picture was scary Her body was close to a burning fire .

" Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! "

My legs went wobbly and I collapse and I saw someone entered the room but I was too weak to look up my sight became blurry then darkness befell my sight ....