How Many Now!?

*James woke up and felt dizzy as he now examined his new he has gotten about bigger and more darker and have a shaded red lining on his limbs on body and has two missile launchers and still has the gun barrel but it had two barrels so it can shotgun his targets and has a sniper rifle on his other side so he can be long and close range then he recieved*

[Evolution Complete 6 Years passed and new Abilities acquired]

S-say what now?... H-how long now?..


*James was surprised and confused about hes been sleeping for Six Years and then he sighed and got up and walked out of the cave and then he encountered the swamp again but then he realized that it was repopulated and he grinned his non existence teeth and he knew what to do again*


{10 hours later.}

*as he sighs after from the long battle with the frogs he got alot of exp and now hes LV 13 but he dosen't care and continue his thoughts as he walked around and he encountered something he didn't wanted to encounter*

Adventures... Oh Shi...

What is that!?

*one of the adventures said looking at this Humongous Golem*

Remain Calm Group it hasn't attacked yet so it must be unprovoked so if we dont do anything irrational it might leave us alone..

*Said the Leader*

but Jhon if it's that big it might has Rewards!

*Said the Rouge*

Ari.. we are not going to attack it we don't know what powers it have..

*Said Jhon*

Jhon Ari it is only LV 13 we can take it down Easily.

*Said the Mage*

Then it will be a easy Loot Gain!

*Said the Archer*

Mike Lary! we will not Attack it not until we are Stronger we are only LV 20

*Said Jhon*

Too Bad!

*Said Larry shooting a arrow at the Golem*

Ok that was weak

*As the arrow bounces off from his Armor and looks at them with a low rumble and glowed a red at the group and then the mage makes the Archer glow a low blue and as he shot the arrow this time it pierced his armor and went into his leg*


*James yelled at the mage even though there where no words became he cant speak and he fired the gun at the mage but to his surprise there was a barrier around the mage and then james kicked the mage and then it was only remains remained*

well my legs gotten Strong.


*Jhon said as he sawed mike get killed by the golem one shot jhon was lost in his thoughts as Larry shots another arrow but the golem shot its Weapon? at Larry and died only Jhon and Ari Remained*

W-What are we going to do!?

*Said Ari*

Run. and alert the other Adventures at the guild.

*Jhon said as he charged at the Golem as Ari Vanished*

*As the Leader charged at james he shot his missile at the Leader and died overkill james thought*

[Congrats you have killed Larry the Archer Mike the Mage and Jhon The Paladin

200 XP Gained now LV 14]

*James walked towards somewhere to build his Base then he thought of something*

the Village... I have been gone for Six Years since then

*James turned around and walked the Village he noticed something it has

gotten bigger and more lively guess he made those Demons think twice

as not to attack this area again as james walked towards the Village he encountered an old ally*

*She was attending the field of flowers and vegetables while she heard a loud thumping sound and when she turned around and saw the Golem but it was bigger and bulkier and had more blacker and redder*

oh.. well it looks bigger and stronger..

*Shara looked at the golem and it was looking back and as usual it sent a drone out to relay a message*

"How have you been?"

I have been well you know attending the fields and raising Stella..

*said shara*


Ah yes I named her Stella after you left..

*Said Shara*

"Stella? where is she?"

She is gone she left to be a Adventure when she is Six..

*Said Shara*

"Say what now?."

ah yes apparently she is a Demi hun a Fox one she can live up to millions of years her well kind is rare for her kind..

*Said Shara*

"I see she's a Adult now?"

yes and no she looks like one but her mental is a child..

so she is in Terra Kingdom as a adventure Mage.

*Shara said and looked down*

"Tell her I'll be in the mountains and bring her party members to come or not she can decide now then farewell"

*James walked away from the Village to make his base*

well time to make my own Kingdom now.