Base Rising

*as james reached the twin mountains he looked around to set up his base

but he couldn't because it was infested with monastery Looking Plants The Mushrooms and Trees and since he decided on how to kill planets he reformed his second Missile launcher into a Flamer so he can Burn Things so as he walked towards the Forest he burns them all it took him 4 Hours to cleanse it and then he sat down and sighed*

Ok. so now everything is clean now then how should I do this I cant make a Autobase..

*so he decided to scrap the adventures gear and made his first Construction Bot it was small as a Trashcan it had two arms and tread wheels like on tanks but Small and then he ordered it to harvest materials and as 2 hours passed it had returned with alot of metals and iron and then as he built the Metal Fortress and Factory as it was built it was in the middle between the mountains and the ground underneath the base became metallic and glows with a low red dim light

and then it grew walls out of the ground it was tall as 4 buses stacked onto each other and it had two small guns on the walls two spaces away from each other and then he rose and stand*

This is Awsome! this place is amazing but it is empty because well there's only the base and the bot and me pretty empty so um Construction bot harvest more materials

*Then the bot did it again and brought metal and iron and then I made another one and you know what is going on I build 42 Construction bots and made them build and harvest materials and iron as they did there jobs I sat down and observe them work and I wonder how is Stella doing as a adventure then a Disturbing thought came to him*

wait a Minute if she's adventurer... That means she has to kill me!?

why must my own well Adopted Daughter has to kill me!?!?


*He screamed in his mind as he watches the bots do there job they built four power plants and two refineries and they kept on doing it until they can't and they powered down and decided to explore my knew land and as I walked around I encountered a cave and inside it was well monsters and since they are Hostile as usual a fight came out and then i was LV 16 but sighed as i kept exploring

around more and I kept wondering about my daughter I sat down in the cave atop of the bodies as he thinks deeply about his daughter*


=Stella Adventures Whoo because I can=

*As i sighed it's been like months since I joined this guild and my party I choosed to be a mage because I had powers its abit faint and hazy I believe my bloodline had powers but still I cant remember the one who saved me all I can remember is he had a lond Staff? and had a small Bird? creature but it he has saved her and raised her but it left me with my caretaker Shara she was nice and said he saved her too but she couldn't explain what or who he was but she said he was powerful he was able to kill Demons with one shot and was able to wipe out monsters within minutes even seconds but she hasn't seen him for years and wonders if they will ever return but as she was thinking another adventure came through the door and yelled alot*

Theres a Demon Golem it Killed my Party I'm the only Survivor of the Group

so I need a Hunting Group to help me exterminate it or it will Kill is all!!

*Ari finished her words and the guild some got up to fight while others were just drinking 12 adventures rose plus Stella to Kill this Demonic Golem*


*James shivers from something or for some unknown reasons*

Why did I felt a Familiar voice wanting to kill me?..