*James was sitting in the middle of his well Castle/Base he was observing his well Kingdom Rise as metal rods shot up from the ground below as the Bots build the buildings around them for support as others harvest more materials as others recharge as james watches his well home rises he wonders what can he do as a Commander Class as he thought of something very basic yet common*
um... Options?..
*As he said that something unexpected happens*
[User has opened Options here are the Options and Tech.]
[Available Options]
[MK ll Turrets improve your bases defenses and less maintenance and ammo and more effective at hitting there Targets]
Ok better defenses not bad what are the others?
[WarBot a small robot with Tread Wheels and has one arm and one Rapid Weapom on the side on the right arm they are weak but able to come in numbers to make up the strength and damage and able to relay information to one another]
Oooo My own Warriors nice but I'm not in the mood to conquer stuff...
[Research Facility Delta this Facility will allow the user to have more Upgrade options but will cost more resources to improve its quality and efficiency to make more Options available]
Oo now I'm sold on that one but theres one more..
[Warriors Voice Able to Speak Through The Speakers you will gain]
*As james chosen that option he felt a Shiver on his body and nothing happened as he looked at his body he has Speakers*
Whooo Yes finally Now I won't have to talk to myself anymore!!
[. . . Harsh Sir.]
Sorry I will still talk to you... wait a minute who are you!?
[The Mech. aka Your body aka My body you stole.]
Hey you ain't using it or making anything worth of it plus I'm better at being what you are so we can still be friends?
[. . . Logic Acceptable]
now then how do I do this..
*James tried to say hello but he made a Loud Horm sound and checked something as a normal person would do*
*James lowered the volume to 30% instead of 100% ear bleeding he spoke again*
"Ok. hello um is this work?"
*James was excited to know he was now able to speak but then he sat down and rest*
{Stella Pov Time}
*Stella turned around hearing that loud sound but from her surprise the sound said "Hello" but everyone around her was covering there ears*
"Ow my Ears! What in hell was that!?"
*Said the mage*
"The Demon Ofcourse!"
*Said Ari*
"Leta kill it and gain the Loot!"
*Said everyone expect Stella*
*Stella was thinking of who said that she knows it was probably the demon Golem but why wasn't she affected by it was she somehow used to the loud noise? why was she immune to that sound but she shrugged the feeling and walked with the group or running because they were running to the source*
{James Pov Again}
*James sat until he heard his alarms going off he woke up and ran towards the gate as he saw a big group of adventures at his gate he was hidden Ofcourse as he was hidden behind a boulder as he saw the gates he wonder what was going on until he saw one adventure who looked familiar towards him as he saw her he said these words*