*James was looking at the fox adventure she had blue hair and ruby eyes but she was different she grew up like a teenager as she had Fox Ears and tail*
Oh great I have to deal with her teens now..
*James thought as he had experience of babysitting some as before he died as he was looking at Stella he was curious of what they will do and a second later they started to attack the gate and I took offense of the 11 except Stella because she wasn't attacking she's the 12th but she was smart enough so as the three mages shot magic at the wall as the three rouges were trying to find a way in as the knights took a defensive line as the Archers where preparing there arrows
as I gave the Turrets to shot them expect for my baby girl as they turned around and looked at me with a confused look but one shrugged off and turned at a mage and fired at the mage and died as the other groups where now attacking the Turrets as they rouges throw there daggers at the Turrets as the Archers fired at them as the mageses done the same as one of the rouges got shot in the head and died and then the second rouge retreated and used Stella as a Shield stella was Extremely Mad and the group looked at him in disappointment but the Turrets didn't fire at her at all so they adventures used this opportunity to destroy the Turrets and then I made the Metal gate open and when I came out and rise the volume frome 30 to 50% and said*
{Stella Pov before the fight}
*As we arrived at the twin mountains and they saw a Big Black Metal Gate glowing a low red and they where amazed*
*Said a archer*
"I got to admit the one who made this is a real ascetic"
*Said a knight*
"Agree here"
*Said a rouge*
"Well let's break it down and finish this"
*Said Ari as everyone looked at her with a disappointment stare but nod and started to attack the wall except Stella she was looking at the still wondering where is her farther is he trapped by the Demonic Golem or Killed by it whatever the case she will avenge or save her farther as she thought the Statues moved as Stella watches them and saw them looking at something and then they turned back at the group and one of them was pointing at a mage*
"Hey Watc-"
*As before she could finish her sentence the Turret fired and killed the mage*
"Fedrick Down Attack the Statutes!"
*Said the leader and as they where attacking the Turrets stella was watching as she risen her shield as the turret looked at her and fired at someone else she was confused of why it ignored her as she was thinking a rouge got shot in the head and died and then the second rouge ran from the wall and used stella as a shield*
*Yelled Stella*
"I Ain't dying like that you will Protect me!"
*Said the rouge the rest of the group was disappointed in him as a Turret pointed at Stella and turned away as the rest of the group saw this*
"Everyone get behind her now!"
*Said the group Leader and everyone was behind Stella and everyone destroyed the last of the Turrets*
"Want to explain why you where not Shot!?"
*Said one of the knights*
"Yeah why weren't you?"
*Said a archer*
"I... dont know.."
*Said Stella as they looked at each other the Metal gate opened to reveal a Giant Munsters Golem infront of them*
*As it yelled at them*