
*As James chose the base MK II and as that happened the base grew bigger and it grew a spire and it grew more darker and reder james admits it looked awesome

but as it grew more and then the metal on the floor became more harden and more metallic and more cold as it expanded the base walls extended to the rim of the floor and it had extra Turrets and the walls had more layers and the gates became more and more durable it looked more advanced then the MK I as james watches the base transforms into a outpost james got up and looked around and examine his new outpost as he walked around his Construction bots increased there numbers to 50 he kept walking and he saw Stella he decided to have a conversation with her*

"Hey Stella how are you doing?"

*James said*

"The After experience was horrible dad."

*Said Stella with a harsh tone*

*James knew what she meant*

"Uh um sorry"

*Said james*

"You better be dad."

*Said Stella with less of a harsh tone*

"Ok so you are enjoying your um new home?"

*said James*

"Its nice I didn't expect it would do this it's kinda weird yet amazing too"

*Said Stella*

"Well I am going to um go Lv up so stay here and um learn my drone will teach you some advance magic so be strong my girl I'll be back when I am more stronger so bye"

*james said as he was about to walk away his daughter hugged his leg*

"Bye dad I love you.."

*Said stella*


*James yelled in his head as he walked out the gates giving it one last glance before leaving and heading towards the north to gain more experience as he kept walking towards a bigger mountain with a cave as he enters the cave he meets a Monster its body was covered in rocks and it looked like a large lizard*

Is that a Dragon!!? Why is that a Thing!?

*As james looked at the lizard at the Beast he decided to test its um stat on the creature*

[Stone Lizard LV 20 Age 30]

Oh wow ok we are on the same power LV interesting but I'm going to be the only Survivor!

*as james looked at the monster it shot a fire ball at it and james takes the hit*

[Hull 100% Armor 90%]

Ow! ok my turn

*James shot his Missile launcher at the lizard it lost a limb but as the lizard layed on the floor it got up and shot another fireball at him again james dodged it but james didn't want to waste it on it so he stepped on its head killing it instantly*

[congrats you have killed Stone Lizard Lv 20 you are now LV 22]
