Cave Exploration

*As James reached Lv 22 james went down deeper to the cave to gain more experience and maybe more new materials for him to expand to for more possibilities but as he kept exploring the Unknown cave system as he kept walking down more and more saw some crystals and ores and rocks he ignored them he can have the Construction bots to harvest them as he kept on walking and exploring as he walked towards a big cavern he saw two more of those Rock Lizards he was stunned of how giant beats can fit in here but as james shrugged the thought and prepared to fight fire after fireball and james dodged and took a hit aswell he took damage and well sent it back they kept on fighting for hours on and on two where hard but he managed it he did the impossible he conquered the

monsters in this room as the two lifeless Rock Lizards layed down dead*

[Congrats you have killed Two Rock Lizards Now leveled up to LV 25 now]

NICE! I am powering up alot!

*As james was appraising himself he was ambushed by some Orks from LV 15 to 10 james shaked them off one by one he attacked them they where stupid but strong aswell as james prepared himself from the orks as james fought the small group it took 30 minutes to defeat the last one*

[Congrats you have killed 5 Orks Now Lv 27]

*James sighs he was exhausted from the constant fighting from Lizards and orks apparently now as james layed down his power was low it was recharging but not fast enough to keep him up and fighting as james was laying down sleeping james was going to get a Unknown guest coming towards him then a girl with green skin yellow eyes and a darken green hair and with some rugged clothes while holding a basket full of caught fish as she was walking possibly heading back to her tribe as she was heading back she heard a big thunk sound from james failing asleep as she was different from the tribe she was abit smarter and more curious as she saw a giant metal pile of Unknown origin with corpses of orks and the two legged beasts as she was surprised seeing strong monsters dead and it was fresh too... she was abit scared but as she approached the metal cluster she saw a door on the side as she opened it she was met with a really big room a nice room a strange one aswell as she examine the room doors and items as she saw a table she approached it she saw two arms and there was blood she was scared as she was about to leave one of the claw arms grabbed her wrist she tried to escape but its grip was tight to tight she decided to use her dagger to stab the claw but the second claw grabbed her second hand and then it restrained her onto the table she struggled to escape and then she was injected with something she felt tired really tired and passed out and then the surgery happened the same one as Stella but this time James was asleep in this process

hours went by she awoken half naked her bum hurted alot she got dressed and left the metal tomb but little did she knew he was in her mind when he wakes up he will have a surprise*