The Tribe Life

*James woke up from his slumber as he did he wasn't looking at a cave he was looking at a Tent and many more james was confused about what is going on and where he is at as before he was going to say something he heard a voice*

"Tesara! There you are where have you been you've been gone for Four Hours now"

*Said a green abit taller and yellow eyed and abit of better clothes as james was looking at the man he was going to say something*

"I was gathering fish for the Village Elder."

*Said Tesara as james heard the voice close to his head he was thinking until he pieced it together* I AM INSIDE A PERSON!?!? *James yelled in his thoughts as he was inside a female Goblin how or when was this possible but james calmed himself down as he was having his own personal documentary TV show from one of the native goblins in there tribe james was fascinated because he was getting experience from it slow but earning as james was thinking Tesara was already moving towards another tent abit small but not bad in the making as she entered*


*Said a Goblin girl hugging His host and then Tesara replied*

"Hello there Darina I see you and your husband are well?"

*Said Tesara looking at the Male goblin as he gave her a thumbs up*

"Yeah me and jahar have been well doing he has been hunting LandShars see"

*She showed off her skinned LandShar it was a shark but with a orange color*

"Wow Darina that's nice I wish I have some one.."

*Said Tesara with a low quiet tone but Darina can tell that she was sad she hasn't found a Partner for years now and no Male wanted her*

"I-It be alright Tesara you will find your Partner soon..."

*Said Darina hugging Tesara james can tell she has been single for a very long time james knows the feeling he has been single aswell he tried dating but as always he was rejected or ignored because he was not worth love but james shrugged the memory off as he was seeing Tesara heading towards another tent as she entered there was nobody inside of the tent he presumed that this tent was hers and she was alone In this tent she ate the fish she had left then she was heading towards a... Nope james closed his eyes as he saw a bathroom scenery and after he heard a plop sound and walking as he open his eyes he was not in the bathroom anymore but he is now inside a room with a hay bed and as his host layed down and was about to sleep she heard a fire sound and screaming as she got up and looked out of her tent she saw fires and goblins attacking wolfs that breathing fire then she heard a Goblin screaming*


*yelled a Goblin and died from the flames from the fire wolf she watched her Village and the people she knew burning as before she could run she was caught by a FireWolf she was scared she knew she was about to die when she closed her eyes and accepted her fate to die but a few seconds have passed when she opened her eyes she saw her arm was a metal rod and Impaled the Firewolf through its skull and died and she received a sound in her head*

[Congrats Tesara/SlaveHost Killed a Lv 20 FireWolf Tesara is now Lv 19]

*She was confused about what was going on her arm was a metal spear and her arm returned back to normal she was scared of what's going on what has happened to her body is she cursed or something and then her body went numb and she or her body began to move she was confused why couldn't she control her body anymore she was walking towards the battle as she arrived the defenders have been killed and lost the battle as she approached the corpses of her fallen Tribe members as she approached the four remaining FireWolfs her body became more harden and her arms turned into a blade and spear she attacked the two FireWolfs one was sliced in the side and then the spear Impalas the other wolfs throat she killed the fourth one now only three to go then the one was cut bite Tesaras arm but she didn't feel pain and instead the wolfs teeth breaks and and a cut to the throat and bleed to death then the two wolfs looked at each other and then they both attacked her but she somehow dodged them she couldn't control her body so she let it do what it wants to do she spines and slit the wolfs throat and they collapsed onto the floor and died she stared at the bodys and she felt a tingle and then she can move her body with full will now*

[Congrats Tesara/SlaveHost Has Killed x4 FireWolfs now LV 23]

*She then passes out*

[Congrats you have reached LV 30]

*And then I passed out from the Xp hours went by Tesara and I awake at the same Tesara wakes up feeling different she felt her body grown she was a high goblin her body looked like a normal Human Female her assets grew aswell as did her stats but she didn't care about that she gotten up amd then went to her friends tent amd then she cried as she saw her friends chared remains hugging her husband for the last time she picked there corpses carefully to not disturb there rest and then she buried them properly and gave her a prying and then she got up and left her tribe as the last survivor as she have decided to go to the place where she possibly have gain her new powers and abilities james was getting prepared for this meeting*