Meeting and Evolution

*James want back to his body to see Tesara come he waited for two minutes and on que she appeared behind a wall she saw the dead remains of the orcs and RockLizards still there untouched as she saw the scenery she approached the metal giant it was still there unmoving and still as it was before as she approached the metal thing she poked it with a stick beside her and did it again and yet no reaction she then decided to attack the metal thing again and still nothing james didn't attack back because she wasn't causing enough to actually hurt him not even a scratch so as she kept doing this for four hours yes apparently once evolved or leveled up it really does improve the body...*

Nope avert the camera away! Not looking nope no mafter what!!

*Yelled james in his thoughts as Tesara gave up and looked at him*

"I cant get inside... it's to Strong..."

*Huffed and sighs Tesar trying to get in to see if she can become more stronger to avenge her Tribe but as she sat down the Metal giant and a hummin sound and making the area around him warm she backed away and as james rose and looked at her he hasn't expected this meeting she turned her limbs into blades as james did before with the Wolfs*


*But earlier before Tesara evolved of knowing of how to use this new ability of hers as she was about to slash him her body frozen in place she couldn't move and then the giant metal monster approached her but this time it was different it didn't attacked her she was confused about why isn't it attacking everything in this dungeon does kill or be killed in this underworld as she was caught off guard her body moves again but this time in a normal standing position and as james opens his hatch and a lader comes out her body started to move forward and towards the lader she tries to resist but it had no avail and as she entered him she was in the room again but this time with light and she was approaching a door amd when she opened it there was human furniture a table wardrobe a bed as she entered the room the door closed behind and she can move as she was about open the door it won't open she tried again but not a budge of movement at all amd when she decided to use her other option but it didn't work her ability has been nullified by this room as she tries to use it it didn't happen she gave up and looked around the room it is a nice room but who or what decorated this room and why was it empty as she explore her new prison cell james hated the thought and decided to call it a calm place but as Tesara explored she checked the wardrobe it had a gown for her to fit and exactly the size of her body...*

Is this Thing a Pervert?

*She thought*

"I am Not!"

*She turned around quickly to see who said that but no one is there she was cautious about who or what said that and as she looked around and saw nothing as she decided to stop looking around she decided to lay down she was tired of trying to get in and evolving aswell as she went to the wardrobe she saw a thing looking at her it was in the corner of the room she thought it was those monster eye creatures in the demon castles she heard as a kid from a group of high level Goblins and Hobs as she was about to take off her cloth to change into a night gown the eye QUICKLY turned around and averted sight from her changing she was Extremely confused they mostly watch always as she was confused she didn't put on the gown and went to strip entirely as she walked towards the eye naked it Quickly averted its gaze from her to another corner she was confused why would a eye wouldn't want to see me naked she thought as she did it again and the eye averted from body and looked at the bed she had a smirk this eye is different it looked sapient enough to respect a body especially woman for that matter as she kept on doing this the eye decided to look up yes it bent its eye stem to look in the ceiling she had a pouting face she was having fun she sighed and decided to put on the gown and as expected it was looking at her this eye has a funny way of looking at her she can feel it flustered even though it is emotionless she smiled and layed down on the bed fallen to sleep then a claw arm came out of a wall and waved in her face no response then three more claws came out and took her old ragged and ruined Goblin clothes away and set them into the incinerator to burn and as the arms did that it started to make her new clothes*

Finally she's asleep now then Evolution time.

*James said and as he said that it appears*

[Warrior Mech a mech with a arm with a Crystal blade sharp to cut rock itself clean and slick and able to shine to shame the best sorwd]

*James thought that was oddly... specific he shrugged off the thought and looked at another option*

[Basalisk A mech bigger then any other mech on its line big and sturdy but slow powerful yet recharg slowly its able to alert anything near his presence]


*James took a deep breath still cant breath but did so anyways*

[Convergence the Upgraded series of the Assimilater it is able to remake the body of its host more suited for certain situations and can... Alter there appearance.]

. . . HaHa I get it I'm a guy ENOUGH WITH THE JOKE!!!

[Commander Prime This is the most better version of the Commander it is able to make more research facilities and More factories and more Machines Accessible to his disposal and can gain the option to make a Fleat of Airships.]


*As james chose the Commander Prime her felt tired and layed down as bis body changed so did the body inside hours have passed james awaken and for up he felt more... bigger her thought as he walked towards a pond*


*James looked at his new body Upgrade was nice his spikes on his body became smaller and more stylish slick and sharp and have a dim sliver and the blades his body became a size of two tanks stack atop each other and his skin color became metallic black and his red glow became more dimmed and futuristic aswell james loved his new body he was impressed while james was happy his occupant woke up from her slumber as she woke up her room became different and her clothes where gone the room was a slick white to now a detailed black grey and her bed was more comfortable and has a blue blanket and the follow was a darken blue as she got up the wardrobe was black not white and when she saw the camera she was a a lost before I looked like a eye looking at now it became a sphere covered in metal amd the inside glow a blue and was bright and looking at her and was able to move even follow her and the ceiling open with two three claws laid down some clothes she saw them and the claws looked at her and it was awkward and then they retracted back into the ceiling she was in a daze and shoked her head and as she was about to change the Sphere noticed and slams its face into a corner she gave off a little giggle and she put on her clothes and she whistled to the ball it looked back at her and floats around her while watching her she walked to the bed and sat down and the sphere layed next to her and then she touched the sphere it showed her life today she was watching through her own eyes and everything she did even the bathroom luckily the screen went black but the sound remake she was blushing in embarrassment and after that the attack and now and the screen turn off and the Goblin girl looked at herself*

"Who would... Watch me from... Inside of Me..."

*She felt violated*

"Uh um... Sorry?"