Stella Adventures 2

*When dad left I decided to go on a Quest I uh needed the coins... she got up and when she was about to leave the drone stopped her she was curious*

"Uh may I leave?"

*Shes said*


*Said the drone*

"Hmm may I leave please?"

*Said Stella as she said like a little child this time*

"Beep Beep"

*And the drone moved and the gate opened and Stella left the gate the drone was following her*

"Um stay?"

*Said stella and the drone shakes its body as a no*


*She said again and the response was the same a no shake Stella sighs*

"Alright just um... stay out of sight?"

*Stella said and then the drone body as it slick scales started to flick off and flipped to become the air amd within seconds it was invisible stella blinked in surprised as it was gone or as she thought as she felt something bumped into her bum she turned around it was the drone and then it turn invisible again stella sighed and went towards the village as the drone did the same following Stella as she arrived to the village she meet a wagon with adventures in there as she approached the man in the front said*

"Are you a adventure miss?"

*Said the man*

"Yes I am what's going on here?"

*Said Stella wondering why they are in the back*

"We are heading towards WinterGlock to hunt down some IceBears Up to the challenge last seat"

*He said trying to make it tempting and he didn't even need to try*

"I was looking for one anyway let us get going"

*She said heading to the back of the wagon*

"All aboard its road time"

*Said the driver as he made the horses move as stella was in the back with the adventures as one of them said something*

"I'm mitchel the Swordsman and team leader and you are?"

*Said Mitchel*

"I'm Jarina a Archer and basically all you need to know"

*Said Jarina*

"I'm harry the Shield and I'm a a demi human."

*Said harry as his cat tail moved alittle and his ears flinched aswell everyone in the cart stayed silent*

"And I'm Stella a Mage and I am also a Demi"

*Said stella proudly as her fox ear and tail moved in pride and harry smiled alittle and everyone talked about there life and adventures Stella told her story everyone felt said for and then confused the beginning was sad but later on it gotten weird as she told them they remained silent to not make it awkward and as they traveled they arrived at the Village as she got out with the rest they looked around for a inn as the group found it they entered the WinterInn hotel as they went inside the hotel the innkeeper greeted them*

"Hello there travelers come to spend the night?"

*Said the innkeeper as they respond*

"We will spend the four nights here please"

*Said Mitchel as he placed four silver pieces as they enter there two rooms Mitchel and Harry will sleep in the first room amd Jarina and Stella will sleep in the second one as they went to there rooms*

"So you got anyone you like?"

*Said Jarina to Stella*

"H-Huh!? um... no..."

*She replies back to Jarina*

"Oh come on its obvious you have a crush on someone~"

*Said Jarina and winked and Stella face was red and the person she likes was her dad I mean come on he saved her Protected her and cared for her and helped her Lv up when no one did so she said*

"Fine I do love someone..."

*Said Stella with a blush*

"I knew it! Stella's got a lover Stella has a lover~"

*Said Jarina as she teases stella and Stella just went to the bathroom change to her night gown that her Dad made for her it was blue with shaded red it was beautiful in the moonlight as it had sapphire gems on the gown aswell and Jarina was jealous because hers was yellow while Stella's was beautifully amazing*

"How did you Get a beautiful gown like that?"

*Said Jarina*

"My dad made it for me he was the overprotective and caring dad you know? gets me what I want type?"

*Said Stella as she layed down and goes to bed as did Jarina turned out the lamp and went to sleep for the first time Stella was scared of knowing her dad is somewhere dangerous and she wasn't there to help him she slept but knowing and hopeful that he is fine in the dungeon*