*James said hi awkwardly to Tesara and as he expected this response from her*
"Who and what are you and where are you!?"
*Yelled Tesara as she looked around frantically trying to find the voice of her capturer again she kept looking around for the voice*
"I am well your inside me in a room right now and I am keeping you safe and well comfortable from well monsters so please stop doing that and talk and have a nice chat please"
*Said James not wanting to deal with her struggling and well all of that he waited for a response*
"Oh ok then.. why didn't you help my tribe from the FireWolfs... you could've save them..."
*Said Tesara while looking at the Shpere thinking its him*
"I did or tried to remember why you couldn't move? it was because I was piloting you"
*James he didn't want to say control it felt uncomfortable for him because it felt wrong so as he told her that he waited of what would be her response*
"Oh so your the one who's been watching through me... that's kinda um...
*She said under her breath*
"Uh what was that?"
*Said james who was oblivious to what she said about what he did*
"I uh said Weried that you been looking from inside me You PERVERT!"
*She said towards the sphere and then he responds*
*James replied amd Tesara thought it was cute she wasn't all mad true caught off guard about him piloting her but she was alright she felt... pleasure from it the experience was exciting after he took control of her this is possibly why no male wanted to be her partner but this... no He used her wanted her safe she felt something she didn't have for years Love and compassion as she felt these feelings she passed out from the overwhelming feeling of love as she did passed out the claws grabbed her from falling to the floor and put her on the bed and the claw arms left and the sphere returned back to watching her and then james decided to move lower to the dungeon as he looked around he saw a door a big ancient one as he pushed at the door making it open for his big frame as he entered the whole are was more scarier more and more darker and barely lights could be seen if the crystals weren't here then it will be pure darkness as he walked through the dark tunnel to find something anything but he encountered something new and obviously tried to kill him as always there was a big black Bear with two fangs huge as a human and when The Back bear was clawing at him and he took it but thankfully it didn't do much but yeah it hurt when he was about to attack back another monster showed up it was a Huge Centipede appeared it had alot of limbs and has to large mandibles and it was looking at us amd I knew its going to be a three wat battle Me vs Black Bear and Centipede amd as I was going to fight back Big long Silver Snake came and with two large fangs again and I was not in the mood to be in a Four battle so as any normal Manic would do*
*I fired my three missiles at the monsters and ended them the bear was blown into the chest and died the snake lost its head and the Centipede split into two and bleed to death and he gained experience from them*
[Congrats you have killed Nightmare Bear Silver Demon Snake And Terror Centipede Lv 32]