The Battle

*As the Lizard men and Mts Clashed or the Mts stopped and fired their Laz Lazers at the Enemy Units they growl amd hissed as they where animals but they where still intelligent with abit of there Instinct still in battle and they kept on charging doing damage to my MTs they didn't have the Regenerating capabilities as me guess I'm the superior model then james thought as the battle raged on literally as the lizard men where mad of there losses they kept on coming domt they have no sense as Retreat? I guess not james thought and sighs guess they are hard headed james Walked to a open area and built something new The AirFactory It was a big Aircraft carrier but unable to move and as always it has a dark look and red glowing as he entered he saw claws on the ceiling and as he saw another terminal he linked and saw this*

[AirScout Firefighter Bomber]

*James selected the bomber it turned on but it was only building one Bomer james was confused as he turned around he saw why it was Huge imagine a normal USA bomber But 4x Times its normal size and has a more slick and sharp look and edges as it was building james went back to see the battlefield as he saw he was taking losses and the Lizard men? Still coming james was nervous james decided to help out with his missiles to take out clusters of Lizard men but it did help for awhile until they had reinforcements and siege my base again I was losing but my ace was finished as I sent it out it flew above the clouds to not get shot by antiair guns i told it didn't have to but I can't change its programming as it got to a spot where looked like the Lizard mens Base of Operation the bomber let out a bomb it was different from a cylinder to a square form and its tip was a triangle and the back will be its rocket part there was only another triangle part they where both triangles on the front and back of the bomb when it was falling it glowed a low blue light and when it hit the ground it didn't explode and instead it released a cloud of blue smoke and as the lizard men inhaled the gas they collapsed and died instantly as the mist expands all over the battlefield I recieved something*

[Congrats you have killed Lizard men army 40th you are now LV 42]


*James was tired to celebrate on his part commanding things was exhausting guess he knows how Nation Generals and Adrimals felt commanding things he sighs and went to his port and sleeps recharging*