*Stella awakens from her sleep when she woke up she saw something in her face it was the drone watching her but to her it looked different it was flat and black with a low red glow she was amassed of how it looked now as she examine the drone it was silent before it made a small whirling sound but now its completely Quite she wonder how it happened as she thought Jarina started to wake up and as usual the Drone Disappeared from sight and went invisible as Jarina woke up and looked at Stella amd asked her a question*
"Morning Stella sleep well?"
*Said Jarina with a tired tone as she stared to get up from the decent bed*
"I slept well enough and what about you?"
*Said Stella as she saw Jarina heading to the bathroom to change Stella shrugged and got dressed and as she waited for Jarina to finish she came back out abit different like she was sick? Stella thought amd shrugged the feeling off as they exited the Room They saw Mitchel and Harry Eating Breakfast Without them and the girls where Mad and the Boys Gulped as they knew Jarina Hyngers for food as they talked in the carriage as they felt the Aura of doom 5 minutes later they guys had bruises amd Jarina looked prideful and Stella was in a daze as they left the inn they went to the Nearby Guild for the Quest as they entered it is what you expected it was A Tavern with girls serving drinks and Drunk guys amd sometimes girls amd a table with papers for the Quests as they entered they went towards the Receptionist it was a man*
*Said the man with a hint of no respect to Stella she can sense a hate for her and Harry She sighed she knew and harry knew he was a Specist People who Despises other races besieds there own as Mitchel answered for them he said*
"Exterminating the Icebears Queet"
*Said Mitchel and as he said that the Receptionist gave them the quest paper and gave them the Go away look as they left they looked at the mountain where the Icebears were at as they walked it was snowy and as always COLD. As Stella and the others went up as they entered a cave they saw Four Icebears eating what remains of its last meal as they sneaked in Harry decided to cut the first Icebear in half and as he did the three where alerted and attacked harry as they did and then Mitchel Caught the Third Icebear Sliced its throat and only two remain and then Jarina fired a Arrow this time the tip had a orange color as it hit the seconed Icebear it was dying apparently it was a fire tipped arrow and as the names said the Icebear died with internal burning amd then it was Stella against one last Icebear as Stella was faced to face to face with the beast as Stella was about to do something it tried to claw her she was about to say something some... Voice appeared in her head*
[Dont say a word only think of the spell you want it shall happen.]
*Said the Egamatic Female Metallic voice and you are right it's the voice that james helped free from her Old Orders as Stella accepted the words she thought of the fire magic spell and as she pointed it at the Icebear it went up in flames the bear burned and then died Stella amd the rest where excited but then it was cut short as they where about to leave Mitchel lost his head after a clen Swipe them Stella Felt a feeling she didn't feel in a long time. Fear. she was scared as they tried to attack back Harry was attacking a new beast. a Apha WearBear.
Harry did his best to protect the Group but it was stronger and bigger as the WearBear raied its massive Claw It cut through Harry's shield and Armor making it a quick death Only Jarina and Stella Remained as they saw it approaching them Stella and Jarina where scared but not as scared as Stella she was scared since as a baby she could only feel and know she was safe was with her Dad the one who saved her but what can she do she is weak... as she was about to escape the WearBear Stoped moving as Stella and Jarina looked at the huge beast its neck was bleeding and then blood was pouring out from the throat a river of blood came and it collapsed down and died Stella and Jarina was confused and they saw a small flying object it was covered in blood and yes the Drone did the Kill it was so sharp it made a Sword be in Shame as it was so sharp it made its cut fast and quick and as the drone Hoverd Jarina was about to fire a arrow at it Stella made Jarina lower her bow and as the drone cleaned itself from the blood it gave Stella a nudge and stared at Jarina and Dissapeared Jarina and Stella looked at each other Stella was happy but Jarina was confused*
"So care to Explain?"
*Said Jarina giving Stella a look*
"It was my dad's Guardian and I think he gave it to me as something for my birthday?"
*Stella said and then the drone made a confirmed sound and dissapeared again leaving Jarina a Dumbfounded face she shakes and take two Blankets from her backpack and used one to Cover Harry and one For Mitchel she shed a tear for him but got up and told stella*
"Let's leave I don't want to be here anymore..."
*Stella nod not giving a answer amd hold her hand for alittle comfort for Jarina as they leave returning to the Guild*