A What now!?

*James wakes up from his charging Platform and as he got up his Research for Generators was Done as he walked to the Sire he will make the Generators as he Ordered 8 in lines of four they where majestic looking Image it like The The Tower of Pairs and skyscraper combined you can think of what it looks like but small james walked to the Research Site as he entered he have a Interesting Option*

[PharonMultiPortal:A Gateway Able to Travel to Many Other Dimensions and Multiverse it can Establish itself amd remain there it will manifest itself once reached to its Destination]

I can Visit Earth! Yes!

*as James clicked it was finished in a instant and decided to Research Better Weapons as james left he built the PharonGate as it was built imagine it was a combination of Subnautica and Stargate Combined as one It was Huge for a Army... He realized it was meant for conquering Planets around the Universe and Dimensions itself he sighed he wonder what should he go to james decided to walk around watching his Own Empire was being Born From the Ashes of what was left of this barren Twin Mountains james went to the left mountain and decided to make it into a Tower for incoming Armys as he did More Construction bots came amd went to work 3 Hours passed and the Tower was finished or atleast one of them now he wonder how amd when did that army Showed Up?*


(The Lizzared HomeKingdom)

*There stood a Big Red and Evil looking killing he released a Aura of Hate And Death as his army died by a Unkown Empire And wiped them out he was Furious about it he called them weak infront of his Owm Army he was a Tyrant Kimg with a People who only follow a powerful Leader and not only that a big Kingdom to His empire Rises to the sky and Ground it was a Mystery how big the Kingdom is but as he was Sitting in Anger he Gazed to a Girl a Lizard girl she was Only Half lizard she is a Demi A Hybrid she had A Blue pearl eyes from Her mother who died from birth And as you expected That she is the Daughter Of the King She was a Princess but her Father Never cared or loved her not even once as a baby Her name was Scarlet she was a Powerful warrior but No Respect from her Farther no matter how much she Tried No Affection she was Emotionless Puppet Related to a Monster of a Farther she was Standing next Throne Chair as on que He Spoke*


*He said that's what he named her but her Mother named her Scarlet she preferred Scarlet but she didn't Care enough*

"Yes my King?."

*Said Scarlet with a Lifeless tone even her eyes looked dead if it had life she would even be Called Beautiful but fate made her into a Lifeless Puppet as she answered he spoke again*

"Go With the Thirteen to Eliminate the Unknown Empire."

*He said with a Harsh cold tone*

"Fail me you will be Executed."

*He said not caring for her life even if she does dies in battle or returns as the

ast survivor amd lost the battle he would kill her himself*

"Yes your Majesty."

*As she's said Grabbing her gear and Sword and walking towards the WarTent*


{Hey first time Arthuor Note what would you like james to go? The Scp Universe

Halo? Or StarWars? Vote or ask Now and I'll try my best to do so Bye and hope you enjoy this Exciting or nice Chapter}