Stella Adventures 4

{Hey we got one Vote for the Scp Universe there is more votes to be placed in make sure you do for a Adventure and Drama or any Storyline goes to write itself Well now then Enjoy the Chapter My ReaderBots}

*Stella was carrying or letting Jarina Lean on her as they walked back to the inn it was still Lively as ever Stella Thought as they walked towards the Jerk of a Receptionist they gave him. The paper killing the Four Icebears as he took the paper and gave them Only 1 Pice of Gold Stella And Jarina anger rose There Comrades Died and only gain One gold Coin from it As Stella was about to say something Jarina took the words from her mouth*


*Yelled Jarina causing a Commotion as everyone looked at the both of them and the Receptionist only responded*

"Yeah So? it was only four Icebears"

*Said the Receptionist not caring*

"TWO of our Comrades and not only your Quest was A Scam. IT HAS A BLOODY


*Everyone was caught off guard A WearBear those monsters are Classified for Advanced or even Legendarys hearing this some of them had Pitt as others Maden of this Guild was careless and would send them to there Deaths*

"Oh well here you go then."

*He put two gold coins on the table.*

*Everyone in the room was Mad. as anyone or anybody did the thing the basterd head was gone was only blood spitting out as a Sprinkler Stella and Jarina was in a dazed expression as everyone else was Ethier panicking or taking defenses stance from the killer Stella took the Three gold coins and run while holding Jarinas Hand as they went back to the Inn and as they sat on there beds the silence was broken*

"What in the Hell Happened!?"

*Said Jarina as she was confused as she was mad at the man but Death Really? she made him die or something like that*

"I-I dont know.. It was Quick and unexpected not even I knew it..."

*As they where looking at each other they heard a bang on the window as they turned it was the drone Stella opened the window for it Jarina remained still as the drone Hoverd playfully over Stella stella saw it had... Blood on its Blades...*

"Did you Killed that Man?..."

*Said Stella caught the drone Red Handed or Red Bladed as expected it nod amd Jarina was caught off guard as its response but she or Stella could say or do anything the drone dropped a bag and dissapeared closing the window behind Stella Stella cheeck the Bag and saw so many Gold coins in it and one Mega Coin as she took it out Jarina almost had a Heart attack*

"E-Emperor Coin!?"

*Said Jarina Coper Coin 10$ Bronze 30$ Silver 60$ Gold 90$ Emporer Coin 500$ Yeah Emperor Coins are rare and Very Powerful in money wise as Stella pit it back into the bag Stella Sighed*

Why does Dads Guardian so Over Protective..


(James pov)

Because I love my baby Girl!!!

*James screamed in the air the Bots MTs and Bommer and even The Turrets looked at him*

What its true?

*James said and all of the AIs Collapsed was there Creator this Madly Overprotective Parent?*


(Back to the Daughter of the Protagonist whooo)

*As Stella was on the bed she got up and help Jarina Change she knew she was sad as they where Jarina got up went rushing to the bathroom forgetting to close and lock the door Stella got up and was Puking in the Sink Stella help Jarina the best she could after that Stella had a question that she hoped won't be*

"Are you?... Pregnant?..."

*As said Stella she waited a response Jarina Nodded*

"One Month..."

*She replied Stella felt worried she was glad to stay next to her against the Icebears and Wearbear as she would've died..*

"Who's? ..."

*Said wanting to know the Farther*


*And then that hit her hard The Farther of the Baby Is dead she was alone Like she was she didn't want to leave Jarina Behind she has a baby on the way she had only one option her dad She hopped he will accept her as part of the family or Something Anything to Help her New Friend*

"You could come with me... my dad will accept you amd help with the baby..."

*Jarina smiled Faintly and nodded and they both changed to there Gowns and prepare to sleep and return home tommorw morning*