Scp Universe it is then

{Hey Arthuer here I can see only one Vote/Comment I'm kinda sad that only one person has done it but hey I can't blame people for that so the ones or one who voted it Congrats on you Now then Story Time}

*James walked towards the Gate he typed in some Words And as the gate hummed a Red Light liquid substance appeared amd coverd the Hole as it was there I walked through it I was amazed amd happy I'm back home or... what looks like it it was America but different I walked around amd I decided to Hide myself because he knows the Scp Foundation Or the Chaos Will find to Capture me or use me and I am no mood to deal with that as I sneaked around I encountered a Base it was a Site I wanted to get in i was curios but how? Idea*

(Corner Pov)

*Corner was a Scientist Lv 3 he was walking down a Hallway to investigate a New scp that the Mtf Squad Contained as former arrived with his assistant Tesa She was a Lv2 Member but as they entered they where both Surprised it was huge and looked like a Tank with Spider Legs it was Balck and looked Terrifying and Menacing in look of Prospective as they entered they Classified james as Scp-XT

because the other scps before him took all titles as they observing him*


(James pov)

*James was acting Dead or Offline but he was on as he was noticed his Research was done for Upgraded turrets he decided to gain more Drones as he selected it it was instantly as he felt two more drones appeared inside of him as he Felt them he decided to release them not letting them notice them as he released them he wanted something he was a Sci fi Fanatic so he will try to A Convince the Machine Scps to come with him or B Take them by Force As he sent his drones he decided to look through the drones eyes as he did he saw many others but none intrested him until he meet one Sad Tragic one Scp 191 Aka The Cyborg Chiled as he sneaked into the room she was on her bed resting james gave her alittle nudge to wake her up as she woke up she looked around scared what woke her up she looked around in a panic*

"W-Whos there?.."

*Said the Cyborg child*

"Hello there small one"

*James revealed his drone startling the Cyborg Child but she slowly calmed and asked him or the drone*

"W-Who are you?.."

*Said the Child*

"Your new Caretaker Would you like to leave this Place?"

*As he said that she immediately shakes her head yes as james smiles he implanted her with a small tracking chip she didn't feel it because you could probably guess why Cyborg Machine Parts? as james drone stayed with her for awhile as his other drone was floating for awhile while they encountered another AI scp it was the most dangerous one Scp 079 Aka the Old AI as his drone encountered and saw cameras he decide made a fake video for the cameras as he did that he decided to have a nice chat with 79 as he turned him on*

"Who are you?."

*Said Scp 079 with a low mencanical voice*

"Hello Scp 079 Would you like to Leave?"

*And as his response would be a guess*


*James sighed*

"Dont got a Choice"

*As he said that he turned him off and put a tracker on him and left after that he keep on exploring until there are no more Scp AIs or Robots Even Cyborgs here there are to his knowledge after hacking the Foundations Files Scp 1360 and 160 was in this Facility as james sent his two drones to each Contaminant rooms as he went towards Scp 160 his drone was facing another and as expected a drone battle broke out my drone versus the Hawk like one and my won considering mine was more Advanced as it was currently disable and my drone decided to chip it and drag it towards me it was light as that happened my other drone went to the last Objective Scp 1360 he was a Robot built by the company the Anderson Robotics as he entered he saw the robot standing there emotionless while holding a picture of his... Family? Oh looks like the gate can Time Travel he hadn't has his memories or him in general Destroyed yet as he reviled himself he put the chip inside his head preventing the Anderson Command memory Wipe he decided talk with him*

"Hello The Scp 1360"

*I said to the robot*


*It responded with a tone as scp 079 but less mean*

"Would you like to leave?"

*As I said that it respond*

"Anderson will memory wipe me and destroy me."

*It responded knowing its Fate*

"I will Protect you his power won't work where we are going and not only that prevent your memories from being erased"

*As I said that it agreed and I sent my drone to help the other carry 160 as that was happening I went back to my main body saw I was being tested they tried taking samples but couldn't and as they hit the thermal scan it was I had a pulse they saw I was alive since I couldn't pretend anymore I got up wires and personal fell off of me as I got up and looked at the Two Scientist looked at me they hit the Contaminant Breach alarms and as expected alarms gone off security and came in and as was walking towards the door my drones broke through scaring the two Scientist as they saw my drones Carrying Scp 160 as they saw they enter me I broke out and headed towards the AI as I did I saw 6 Security guards there holding guns and batons I sighed and kicked them away somehow it killed them and as I retrieved the Old AI I went towards Scp 1360 as I entered he was about to be killed by a Anderson Bot I shot it and it died and liquefied Scp 1360 looked at me with abit of a relieved expression even his face doesn't show it I can tell after I open my hatch and made laders he he entered me he was surprised again I can tell the room was big enough for 8 people as he saw me wasn't alone he saw the Hawk Drone flying I'm circles it appears I tamed it? I guess and Scp 079 was just watching and giving off mad comments I ignored him after that I went to the Cyborg child amd saw she was being tanked by the Mtf Squad ,y Parent Instincts came in and let's saw I wiped the floor with the Squad after that it caught me off guard she hugged me I smiled and open my hatch and laders came che crawled inside me and saw others Scp 1360 was reading a book my two drones playing with the Hawk drone amd 079 Mean comments again after that I break out made sure no one followed me and entered my PharonGate and left to only return stronger and rescue/Collect the rest of Machine Scps*