*As james have returned from the PharonGate as he did he walked for abit and then sat down as he did he opened his hatch as he did His drone and Scp 160 came flying out for excitement and fun and as and another carrying Scp 079 amd bring him to the Research Site and then Scp 1360 climbed out and went towards the Mining Site as he did Scp 191 came out slowly she was scared and yet excited she was happy to be out but she was scared of the new place as she came out she hugged my leg tightly like a clingy child she looked at me with her red eyes but James could tell they where puppy eyes James pet her head gently as he got up he felt a Aura he hadn't felt in a Very long time after he made a House for Her and his Daughter as he turned around and saw her Terrifying Aura it was his own Yandere Tesara has awoken and looked Mad She was abit Taller her skin still green Lomg dark green hair Yellow eyes and her... Assets bigger aswell james shaked his head as she felt her approaching as she saw the new Weried Metal People She staring at Scp 191 She hid behind my leg like a kid would do hiding behind there parent as she saw this Tesara Released more of a deadly Aura as I was standing I'm in the middle of this Battle as I looked At Scp 191 she Had the same as Tesara both glaring at each other as I was just a bystander as this of this Pressence as I was in the middle Tesara Broke the Silemce*
"What are you doing with my Partner."
*Said Tesara Giving off a Terrifying message to Scp 191*
"What are you doing with Daddy."
*Said 191 I was caught off guard she sees me as her Dad? I was happy but Tesara was the opposite as I slowly walked away they both noticed instantly if I wasn't a Machine I would've sweat right now as I saw them glaring at me and had the Hungger in there Eyes*
"Where are you Going?♡"
*They said in Unison as I had One option Run as i ran they both gave chase i out run a Human But They where Both Enhanced from me so they where catching up to me and after 5 minutes I gave up they where both hugging my legs individually Tesara has my Left and 191 Has my right leg as I saw the two hugging me they made a truce and a Alliance to Have me and Protect me as they both fell asleep my two drones put them in there own rooms in there own beds as I sighed I went to 1360 he was examining the stone of this word after we had a Short chat he wanted to be the Chief of this place as a Miner Leader I agreed amd let him do his hobby after that it was time to chat with Scp 079 as I did he was throwing Word Fist at me he and me Arguing for the past 2 hours until he gave up and agreed to work as the head Researcher plus he gets endless knowledge as his Cooperation amd as that happened my Tech Boon was increased after that happened I decided to increase my bases Capabilities amd wanted to increase my Strength I found one place what has endless enemy as he pressed in the coordinates to the one Hellish Bugs. aka StarShip Troopers Universe after that he returned from that bug hell converd in blood guts and blood his Four drones Yes Four He ,made more as they cleaned him he looked at his Lv*
[Level 48]
*He was happy but he needed a Break from that Chaos as james stretched his Joits he went to the Research Site as he did he had three Options*
[Movers Hunters and Stalkers]
*As james chose Movers as he did he got it in a instant as he used 079 Boost and after that he chose Stronger Metal Research as he did he walked out and went to the Machine Assembly Site as he did he saw the Option to Build these Movers as he Built Four of them As he walked out he saw one doen It was Massive it was one of those massive construction Trucks that carry hugs amount of Dirt but they where different they where Balck and scifish tone and had Huge Clae at the front to move heavy Objects as he built one three appeared he went towards the PharonGate gate with his Four Huge Companies to Retrieve more Members James activated the Gate and went through the gate with his Company*