*As james was Watching the Space PharonGate was finished the Construction of the Corvette was in que for production until he saw some interesting options from the Research Site*
[Improved Hull Improved weapons Improve Construction rate]
*James obviously Selected the Improved Construction rate he wanted to make atleast four of them so making them faster was his best option so as he did he heard something a Horn something more sinister was heard as he walked over to the gates and saw A Army not a small one a Atleast a Medium Sized one as the army Approached he saw one interesting Individual in the Whole army a Female Lizard a Interesting one who is... Human and Lizard if my reading was right this would be a disgrace to there Empire and the family... oh I see now die in war or die at home... I kinda feel bad for her she looks... Emotionless now that fate won't be what she ,just deserve so he decided to... Capture her and finish off the arrest of the Army but it was A Medium Size it had 4 Basaltics groups and 8 Canno groups and 4 Cavalry Groups and 6 Archers 4 Spears and the rest Swordsman and three generals two Stronger Lizardmen and her James just sent a Retriver Imaging those robots from the matrix but cubed shaped and Have more of a killing Aura and have Four guns on its sides amd has alot of Tenticlas as it took her no one made a Attempt to Rescue her at all and then the two Lizardmen decided to become the new generals while the main one was within my Custody now amd then as she was no longer in the battle Field the Battle Began The Front row Charged Basaltics Fired at my Gates denting it and then Cannons Fired at my Turrets as they Fired at the Charging Army amd then My MTs Came and fired and then the Calvary Came and took down some of my MTs and then I sent out my own Cavalry I sent out the Hunter Squads and let me tell you Claws and Spears Clashed it wasn't a Pretty Site and then More Reinforcements Came out of the trees I didn't had enough Armies to pass even with the Bomber amd its death Toxic Bombs it does affected them but still not enough to cripple them so I had to ask a Ally of mine to Help as I gave the Signal the Twin towers had a Big Steam came from the Left as all the Forces stoped 2406 Came and had its Yellow eyes on the Field and as my Forces Pulled back It fired its Anomalies weapon at the Armies and kept Firing amd as the battle Continued for 2 Hours the Army Has fallen and 2406 Returned to the Twin mountains amd powered down to rest amd recharg as that I received a Notification from my AI I guess*
[Congrats you have killed your Mid Enemy Force Now LV 50]
*And as Expected Flugtive Came as I walked to somewhere Quiet I looked at my Options*
[Hulker A Massive Machine Tanky and able to Lift Heavy Equipment]
[Scavmeger a Machine Harvest other Fallen Machines to repair itself or use it to convert energy]
Heck NO!!! I ain't a Cannibal!!
[Convergence Turn your Assimilats into Mindless Slaves to worship you.]
. . . NOPE!
[◇Contingency Caller. One shall talk to the old Core to Recieve Information or Requests or To Become the New one for the @&$&$&@&&$ Empire.◇]
Uh... yes?
*As he clicked it he was feeling tired and then he has passed out meanwhile his Captive aka Scarlet she was sitting in a room with her Blue Pearl Eyes and her White And Blue hair Long as she was looking at her prison Cell as she was watching a person comes to talk to her it was Stella she was infront of the Dorm yes dorm Not a Cell.*
"So what's your Name?"
*Asked Stella with a Smiles Scarlet looked at her and said*
"Scarlet Princess of the Green Scale Empire Mistake of the King."
*She said and then Stella looked Sad Mistake why would she be called that unless... Her Farther Doesn't love her Stella asked Scarlet again*
"I know... what you are going through but... My Farther can take care of you like that Farther you never had.. besides he cares for all of us no matter what we look like or our past was."
*Said Stella giving a Smile to her Theres was no Reaction from Scarlet but deep down her eyes had a Light in them showing a Thought of happiness her out side may be Dull but deep in her thoughts she was happy*
(Scarlets MindScape)
*Said a Yellow Scarlet*
"Well I d-dont know I-if we can trust him.."
*Said a Purple Scarlet*
"Well if he does mess with us I will Kick his @ss!"
*Said a Red Scarlet*
"H-Hope so wahh! I want a Daddy so Badly!"
*Cried the Blue Scarlet*
*They all said in unison and cried together*
(James pov)
*James wakes up and feels... Different as he walked towards a Pond he was in shocked*