*James was looking at a better version of himself he was more slick and more sturdy he was impressed his path was awesome he saw he had a Option*
[Construct the PrsimRubyTower to Communicate with the ElderCore.]
Welp that's that time to talk with my um Parent? oh well let's do this.
*James stretched as he did he walked to a Open empty Field he Summoned or Placed the Construction site for the PrismRubyTower as he did he was shocked as the Conversation boys Swarmed the tower it was glowing as the Ruby as it was meant to be with abit of harden Dark Steal to support its Frame as it was being constructed it was a very big wide Tall Tower as it was finished I examined it it was Very Pretty on the inside as for it outSide Ethier way it was impressive as James was Examining Everything this place has to offer he found himself a Room that looked like a Teleporter or something that resembles one as he entered the middle his body went totally Wimp as his body was off his concussions was in another Device he looked around and saw A Super Huge Orb infront of him as he was looking at it it was Staring back aswell before james could say a word he heard a Very Loud Voice*
"I See a Chosen has been Built. I am Commander Core X-10 Last of the Main Cores."
*As he said it james saw more of the Cores but some where deactivated or Destroyed or Decayed by Time as this happened james decided to say something*
"So you are the last King in the place I am at makes it resemble to your Status My Core?"
*I said trying to make him or her Happy*
"That is true I am Indeed the last of the Kings or Queens you say but my Time is at its end i didn't give up my purpose our Purpose must Live on. you shall be the Chosen to be the Next Core to Rebuild our Empire but before I give you the Power I must tell you We have a Mother Core. She is the more Surpior And Higher Rank them us she is the Original of the Ancients Her Creators Made her to be there Advanced Security System while we are the Inferior She Vanished with some of her Successful Children while we Remained and Rule and Fallen so Young one are you Prepared to find our Benefactor?."
*As it said that I wanted to become stronger to protect my family no matter what so I agreed to become the New Core*
"Yes my Core I shall become the New Core."
*As I said that X-10 lights gone out and died as he did I Became Overwhelmed by Power and Knowledge as I was consumed by it I returned back to my body and Spazed out Frantically*
*My body was in Pain and my thoughts where Overwhelming by the many Secrets and Hidden Knowledge of there Past it took 3 Hours for it to stop as I got up I got a Huge Loud Notification*
Ow! my Ears! why!!!
*I sighed amd decided to find a place to build it but not enough until I realized I can relocate everything and make it eno5for it to be built so 1 Day Later my Core was built it was Big A Size of a mountain it glowed a Ominous Red glow and was a tall Spire reaching to the Clouds the PrismRubyTower Combined with my Core it was a Beautiful Master piece I sighed and laid down inside Calm down I will find Mother in the Future but for now Prepare my thoughts until my Fleat Of Four Corvettes ready and Armed I Decided to do that of a day of Tomorrow and I was trying to sleep Three Girls hugged me 191 040 and Stella Where hugging me I was Confused*
"Um Kids what are you doing?"
*I told my three little ones yes so dont Judge me! as all of the drones amd Bots Quickly turned around*
"Happy Father's Day!"
*They all said in unison I was surprised that was a thing but I smiled or figuratively atleast so as I played with my kids alittle Yes I am Fun dad amd my kids didn't have a Childhood experience so I wanted to give them that after all the fun games we did they all fell asleep on me I got my drones to pick them up and put them in my rooms together Because Sibling Caring as I was about to sleep I head a Cracking Sound amd when I switched my Cam to the room that Haad the Egg it hatched and a Purple Eyed and Red Scale Dragon was Born*
Welp Best Farthers Day!