*James was Bored he was watching time goes by he does play with his Kids but He only had The Tech Research Progress was so Slow 13 Days till the Strong hold is done and he was getting So Bored so james Was thinking in his deep Thoughts thinking what shall I do? then his Mind and power of his HumanSelf Combined with a Machine AI He can Remember the Movies and Series he watched and Never Forgotten!!!*
*James was laughing like a Maniac while his outer appearance was it looked like a Evil Warlike Laugh If his daughters or wife to wasn't all knowing of james it will look like a Tyrant Ruthless WarKingdom or something along those Lines*
(Beartkin Spy)
*The Spy was a FeMale Wolf Girl Purple Fur hair but Does have the Darken Red eyes As she saw the Scene with james she Knew aka Thought*
'Yep Definitely a Bad News' As she was Observing James as she was hidden in her fort aka Small Tent in the trees as she was laying down she was a Elite and Expert in her Job she was Fearless as her Queen aka Alpha sent her do Countless Threatening Jobs but this one in her Life was Making her feel the one thing she never Felt Fear James Made this Mysterious Woman Feel Fear but under Neath her Cloak hood Lies a Little Blush*
(James Pov)
*James was Walking Towards the PharonGate Sending Coordinates to Jurassic world Well not THE Jurassic world but a Different Version/AU James Made himself Invisible and well Stealthy How you may ask as james thought to himself TECHNOLOGY was the Answer james was Researching His Own Improvements and well Succeed in doing so as he did he went to Jurassic world or in its Early Years as He saw Dinosaurs Roared and Buildings and People Flourish through the Pathways James Admired the View of the Place well Before it will be all Abandoned before the Outbreak of the Indominus Rex Because She was Big Brain and Caused alot of Damaged And killed Alot Dinosaurs and people Alike Eating or Crushing James Travelled to the Site where The Indominus Rex Twins will Hatch And james Knows the White one will kill her Sister in a Certain Age james Entered the Enclosure of the Place as he saw Two Baby Dinos Obviously The White one with the Red Eyes was Clawing or Eating Meat but aside from that he saw something Rare He saw the Indominus Rex Sister She was Way different Her Scales where Black and her Eyes Where Blue instead of Red and Weried of all was the Attitude of her She was Eating less Aggressively then the White one but james saw A Difference between the Twins One was Angry while the other was...*
*Yep James saw The Black one Playing with the Flowers After Eating while looking at the Butterflies while the white one Tried to Eat them James Sat down and Decided to Watch them Grow up 2 months Later he saw the Black one Eating and then The White one pushed her and took the food away The Black one walked away and Sit next to me... Pouting and looking Sad as she was Obviously Starving James threw a Pice of Meat in front of her Not getting Caught by the Cameras and the Black one Looked Confused of Who or Whay Gave her Meat she saw and Ate it And the She purred and Sleeps Full amd Happy and james couldn't Resit and Warmed giving the Black one Warmth and Comfort Like a Parent would considering they where Orphans and Parentless and he slept Aswell*
(Black Indominus Rex)
*Today my Sister Took my food... Again why was she Always Mean and Always Pick on me when I play with my Friends... She Even Tried Eating them I got up and walked to the Corner of this... Prison I was Alone and Hungry... I have no Family eventhough I have my sister but she Doesn't care... She always Strong Survive Weak Perish... will she Kill me?.. For some reason I feel Safe here.. as I was about to sleep a Pice of Meat was infront of me I instantly Ate it with no Hesitation after that she wonder who was her Savior?.. And... Mate? her Heart was More Active and her Mating Instincts Kicked in way Too Early She Shoked her head it Couldn't be those... what are they called again? Hu-Mans? or something like that After I went to sleep Considering my sister is sleeping as I did I felt... Warmth here... I like it...*
(James Pov)
*10 Months The Black one was More Healthy and the White one was more Aggressive towards her Now james was thinking and then Shocked at the Conclusion This is the Day when White Kills Black and as Expected White her First Move with her Jaw Opend and Bite on Black but this time it was Different Black Survived the Neck Bite and lived and then Clawed White in the Face and White Roared with Hate and Moved away and Eat Alone as usual Black won this Battale and returned to her Safe Space aka James but Black was abit Different she was More Smatter then White True White was able to make Jurassic worlds Downfall But Black was More IQ then White she Found James in her 18s aka a Medium Size Indominus Rex if you remember how Huge the white one was as that happened Black Tapped me and instead of a Normal Growl it was a Purr in Dinosaur Terms James was Found out he Remained Inactive As Black was making her Protection Moves Making this side her Territory from White as they where both Now Evenly Matched now and then the day came when they are now Adults aka there More Terrifying Versions as that Happened While was invisible and so was Black but I was able to see them with my Special Eyes as I saw the only and Legendary STARLORD or aka the Raptor king aka Blues Dad so after he came in with the Mexican and Fat Guy*
{Sorry I dont know there names only Appearance so do Forgive me}
*and as you probably saw the Movie Scene Starlord and Mexican man was Running from White while Fat Guy was Opening the Doors as he did Before white was Able to Eat the Mexican man Black Lunged at White Tackling her down as the Both of them Battled as that was happening Fat guy Escaped and Starlord and Mexican man Ran out Before the door was Closing White and Black Nod In agreement and Broke Down the door as Everyone Evacuated Except Fat Guy and starlord White Moved the Car and Ate The Fat guy infront of Black and james Surprised Black looked like she was Going to Puke and after she gained her Closure She Smacked white in the Face Causing White to Retreat into the forest to continue the Movie as Black moved the car to see Mexican man and Starlord Coverd in Oil but as said before her IQ was Higher then her instincts so she Saw them and Let them go and as they ran away Black went towards me and Used her DinoStrength To Move me and to James surprised She succeed as the Area was Abandoned and Black Removed her ship as she knew before White did as she did she Dragged James to a Abandoned Place aka Jurassic park the Original as she Position James James got up and Black Surprised of my move she still Towers over him james waited for a Move and then Black Nudges him Alot and showing Affection towards james Too ,such Affection as she was Making sound and Moves and james Knew what Responses where...*
She wants to Mate...
*James said but he didn't have a Anything to Even do it with as James watched Black Tryed to Tempt ot Seduce james but right on cue the two kids Came and Saw Black but not me as I Instantly Disappeared aka Invisible as they saw Black as they where Gonna Run White showed up and as any Family Reunion A fight broke out The Bros Escaped with the Jeap as they left Black was In pain so as white a Draw because they both didn't want to lose there lives as it was a Draw and white left Blacks Eye view Black Collasped and passed out before she did she saw me feed her and Protected her she fell asleep Happily as that happened I ejected her with something Special into her 049 and 079 made something called a Gene Shot Alters the DNA once injected james saw the Black Indominus Rex turn into a Human girl in her 20s her hair was black she was tall but her eyes where black and had blue Pupils as she got up she tryed to Speak as she saw me*
*Said the Human Black*
No... They didn't do this to me...
079s... access to the Internet...
DAMMM YOU 079!!!
"*Laughs Evil Like*"
*I sighed and saw Black Naked and then said*
"Your name shall Be... Blake and here"
*I put Clothes on her as she put them on abit of trouble but with her IQ she conquered Clothes Easily She wore a T-Shirt with her own Picture on and her Shorts black she wore a Blue and black Striped Panties and bra as she wore the, she hugged me and kissed me*
"My Sempai~"
*Said Blake as she hugged me I picked her up and stroke her head and smiled with affection as we walked away we saw the Scene where the Indominus Rex aka White Dies by the Mosasuros Blake saw her Sister died*
"Well she was Always the Strong type but alas my Sisters ego Got a hold on her."
*Said Blake not showing any type of remorse but it was fair white was going to kill her with no remorse after that I approached the PharonGate while holding Blake and then Returned home.*