Save the Twins! and Lonly Jurassic Finale

*James returned home while Carrying Blake As James set her down he saw 040 191 and then Stella and james was shocked on how Tall Blake was She was like a Adult and a Kid stack on top of each other aka she was tall as a Tree Stella looked up feeling abit intimidated while 040 and 191 where Staring Amazed and Tesara came back she is only...*

LV 45 I NEED XP!!!

*James yelled in his thoughts Drama Started*

"So Who are you?"

*Said Stella*

"Names... Blake..."

*She said having abit of a Hard time Speaking English*

"I'm Stella Aka his daughter"

*Said Stella telling Blake he was already Mated and that woke the beast alittle*

"Us Two!"

*Said 040 and 191*

"Oh. Really.."

*Blake was having a hard time keeping her Instincts from Eating them*

"And I am his Lovely Partner Tes-"

*Before Tesara could finish Blake Awoken*


*Tesara And Stella cam feel the Killing Intent from Blake but thankfully Ruby Came and calmed her down*

"Oh Miss Blake We all Share your Lover? so don't be so Hostile."

*Said ruby as she Flaps her wings above Blake and Everyone went inside and Stella decided to Teach Blake Proper English so did 191 and 040 help Blake with Fun she never had as a baby Tesara Helped blake have better... Dominance and Blake had no Fs there. Ever. and well Ruby... Help Blake became more... Seductive for James. A+. All the way in that Class James Approached 079 and Heard something Long dead in History but always comes back.*

079:*Plays Trolllo !music*

"Damm you 079."

*And then 049 came back with three more Shots for james Guessed they knew what he was going James sighed and walked to the PharonGate again and went to Jurassic world Again but this one was Different it was the. CAMP CRETACEOUS!!! as james Arrived he turned Invisible Again as he did he saw something Very different as he walked towards the Rubbles of you Guessed it Jurassic park as he saw two Corpses there buried E-750s he sighed and Knew they where the Scorpion Rex's well what remains of them as he did he saw Something Impossible... the Rubble moves and Arose the two Still Barely alive Scorpion Rex's but Difference this time they looked... Confused like... Babies wait Oh no...*

D-Di the Rumble Stabilized There Hostility and Now there Less... Aggresive towards Each other now but they look Completely different now...

*And james was Right while looking at the twins now both of there eyes are half Blind now Replacing the red eyes with one white on each eye making them Half Blind the looked around in Together but they where Weak and showed... Fear! Yes they where now Babies since they are now Stabilized now amd when one of the twins saw a Compie They Ran Away from it thinking it will kill them but in reality the Compie would die if it was seen I sighed and followed them I helped them Avoid Danger such as The T-Rex or a Pack of Pretty much anything as there Lesser self's Caused and they couldn't Hunt because No Parrent so i Gave them Secret meat and a Puddle of water they ate... Happily as they looked at my Direction they couldn't see me... wait... Heat Vision.*

Aw man

*And on que they Both Pounced on me like Raptors As they did they... Licked and Smiffed me. Dr Wu. Why you make them. james got up and Lead the Twins As they show... Small amounts of Affection Getting warm up to me The twins Eyed Each other saying or giving off Looks like*

'Hes minse' Or 'Sis I saw him First!'

Ah Siblings this is what it feels like to have but james shaked it off amd kept on Surviving for them James Taught them how to Hunt NATURALLY NOT MASSAC8LIKE THERE LESSER SELFS! James sighs again as he saw them Took down a Long Neck and Ate Together amd Drink water Together Even Sleep Together to make warmth but one Night and Always they cant do one thing together Sharing me. He saw them both Fighting Each other for me as they did None show any Surrender or Mercy I came in and Stoped them by you know it I fire the two Shots at them and passed out and as expected Human Form The First one Had long red hair and had more curves and well medium breasts amd for the Second one Short hair And abit of a Medium sized Breasts but still have good Curves as that happened both of there eyes opened Lomg hair had a Blid eye on the Left and a red and black eye on right short hair had a Blind eye on the right amd red and black on the left making both halfs of there eyes even as they saw me and got up and approached me and smiles showing off there Sharp Teeth*


*They both said in unison as they Accepted on Sharing me*

DAMMM YOU 049 AND 079!

(079 and 049)

*Scp 079 was playing the Kasty Kick sonf from Tf2 and 049 doing the Dance like a Pro with his Plague Docter Clotheing and mask on*


*James being Hugged and Gave them both clothes this time normal shirts and Jean's and yes red Bras and Panties and they both Smiles in unison Guess these Siblings Do know Each other Really Really Well James sighs and says*

"Shara is the one with the Long Hair and Sasha is the one with short ok?"

*The twins looked at each other and Smiles and nod at the same time*

"Ok Master~"

*They said in Unison Again James Sighed and Decided to go to the Final Objective he Told Shara and Shara to hind in him and they did james Put them into bed and kept them well fed and care of he was a Mobile House Built for People James went through and went towards the Last Place and Last Unique Dino Aka Welcome to Jurassic world FALLEN KINGDOM! James said and sneaked into the Forbidden aka The IndoRapters room as he waited in ther how James got in there you ask? Logic dont Question it Jamed waited until he saw... The Grown up Indorapter Roght Clone not Normal Born for war not... Entertainment for a Attraction James Observed her and james Noticed it She was Sad and Actually Scared how can this be the Killing Angry Machine Be? Wait Parent abandonment Orphanage Alone and Scared Anger ok makes sense James Showed or made some Warm space near him and like that James Saw the Indorapter Approached his area and slept Peacefully he admits its adorable if it wasn't well You Know Time went on as he saw the Cloned Girl walking to close to the Cage but this time the Indorapter didn't Move or a Inch She remained near me at all Cost when she was served Food she Makes a Dash grabs it and returns to my spot amd eats Feeling Warmth well considering you sleep in a Clod dark cell and and a warm spot you dont want to leave it no matter what after the Clone girl was caught and taken away I waited for something to happen and on que the Guards where getting ready to move the Indorapter to move to be Sold but She Killed them all and Draged there Corpses to me to feel warmth James didn't know why she didn't Escape but Stayed by me at all times but she was Tranquilized and sold james sent out a drone to see what's going on all he cam see was a Very Pissed of Indorapter Wanting to return back*

(Indorapter Now)

*Cold was all she can think of... Nothing but cold and Loneliness she was born and and left alone she layed down and Cried alone thinking of Revenge and Hatered as that was happening She felt something... Warmth... was all she think now Pushing the bad thoughts away only Focusing on Warmth and Comfort now I Love this feeling...*

[Days Passed]

NO!!! I WILL NOT LEAVE MY COMFORT DIE!!! She roared and killed the Guards and dragging the corpses back to her warmth and eat Smiling and then fell Unconscious but when she woke up somewhere different all she could say if words can be understood


amd on que she was let out and Made a Massacre and Ate The Soldier. you know who that guy is. and then she Escaped the Auction Area and Scout through the Mansion to find Me aka Warm Comfort Place*


I am at a lost of words.

*I saw how bloody it could be but now it's worse More Scattered Body parts Everywhere james left the Cell and looked underneath the Ceiling glass and saw The Indorapter Fighting Blue and we know how the movie Ends The Indorapter Fell and Gets Impaled by the Triceratops Skull as James saw the Indorapter Dying and Blue left I shot the Syringe into the Indorapter and her body changed she looked a Teenager Norml breasts and curves but her Hair had a Black and Yellow striped and her eyes black and yellow eyes james saw her she got up feeling weak and she walked towards me and smiled as she hugged me Tightly*

"My Warmth~..."

*Said the Indorapter*


(079 and 049)

*079 and 049 Playing Monopoly with 191 and 040 040 in a fetus position 079 in a jail box 049 rage in background and 191 being covered by money*


*Here I was Fighting my own mom. Well what did I expect I had to come somewhere I clawed and bite but that... Dam Red Lazer I cant Resist as I fell I felt alot of sharp pain going across my body and saw mom left me... Cold and alone again... is this how I die? no I want my Comfort I want my... Warmth... as I was about to be passed out I saw or Felt something injected into me but i didn't care all i saw was my... WARMTH! i got up had abit of trouble walking but it was all worth it i felt my warmth i was... Safe and happy again...*


*James got the Indorapter some Leather Jean's and A Black Cool Leather Jacket and SunGlasses and Back and yellow Striped Panties and bra as that was finished I had to think of a name...*

"ahem I shall name you... Rave"

*James said seeing what would be the response*

"Rave... Thank you my Warmth~"

*She Smiled and Blushed from saying those words and hugged me again I cradled her close she didn't resist she felt more Warmth from and after I left the Mansion I saw the Dinos Be freed from there Prison now they are home. as I was going home to. as james went through the PharonGate as it disappeared behind itself never to be seen again.*