More Ships and power

*James Woke up Excited he saw his body was like GP700 as he woke up as he was Examining his Body as Surprised he was bigger and and his Legs where like the Obelisks like in Egypt james was Excited to see but he saw his legs where Magnetic he moved Faster his legs more Agile and his movements where Better but his Hulking Body was now Gone and replaced with a Sphere aka His new body so james decided to Make A Tech RushSpam so he Wanted More ships so he Made alot Tech Advancements from 079 GP700 with there Knowledge he Made his Strong hold to a Star Fortress amd then the Final Version The Citadel A Massive SpacePort Mass Producing alot of New Ships he made four Consecutive ships aka Cons the nick name he made the to Bulid Mining Stations and and Research Stations to gain Resources and Tech Improvements to help him in the Future and as he did he built two Scis aka Nick names for the Science ships to scan planets for those Resources to Tell the Constructions to Build there as they done Surveying the System James Gazed upon his Citidal He saw the New and Improved Corvettes Imagine them as a Ball with a ring around it to use as its weapons and Propulsion to move and fire its eye is its main weapon and the ring Side weapons for extra Damage James wanted More Better ships because the Corvettes are weak In Ship History as he Built 40 of these Spheres with rings of Death He decided to Make his Destroyers as he Built his first one it was same as the Corvette but bigger and had two rings middle and outer as he saw it he was amazed it was like a Small model of Jupiter but Metalic and... Sentient after that he Built 9 More to even the Number of Ten Destroyers to Make the Fleet abit Menacing amd then the Cruisers He built one and was Surprised of it looked like Same as the Destroyers but the ring had like formed a Cone Cone infront of the Sphere more weapons and abit of Protection as I build nine more I had Ten Cruisers and then made my Fleat more... Scary but After that I Gain Battleships true ut took.. two days but it was worth it as it was done I Built one Battleship or a Carrier Class as it had Small ships that looked like Shark teeth but as it built it it looked like the Cruiser but it had Two more Rings one for Weapons and the Hanger Bay small ring was the Hanger as the Bug Ring was for its Weapons as I did there I Built 3 more Carriers to Have Four of them and then Built a Battleship the Actual one that has more Firepower as I built it I made it have a Test Fire on a Asteroid it Destroyed it but Small pices remain now I have Eight Battleships four Carriers and 4 Battleships my Fleat Looked Amazing but still I had Gain a Hidden Rare Technology it was a Low 30% of any of my Science Drones can Think of they Proposed of Making a Titan. Size of a Moon and I Decided to Research it but it was a Week of Research it took three days to finish the tech But Building it took longer Four more days till Construction is Complete I decided to Spend with the girls as I showed of my Body I looked around and then I saw Four of the Dino Gals

seemingly in a... Pack? As I approached them they all tackled me down*

"My Mate~"

*Said Blake as she kissed my bottem right face*

"Master we love you~"

*Said Sasha and Shara as the kissed my Left and Right top Face*

"My Warmth has gotten Warmer~"

*Said Rave as she Kissed my bottem left Face*

Man I wish I Had a Body..

*As I say that in my Thoughts i Calmed myself and saw a Tech Option that Intrigue me*

[Assaulter A Machine Humanoid that Can Cloak body Slick and Smooth Making it Impossible to Fire or Notice its presence and can be Controlled Manually By a Core If Chosen]


*It will take two days but hey it's worth the Waiting as I got up from the Dino Girls I walked around more as now I am Lv 50 I knew is going to be Harder to Gain more Exp Considering the Logi5of all Games Higher the Lv Harder to Grine Meaning I ain't Reaching Lv 60 soon.. as I sigh I saw Scarlet Mumbling to Herself I Sneaked on her to hear what she is saying*

"But we-We cant..."

*Said Scarlett having a... Sad tone?.*

"Well to bad we need to show him our Dominance!"

*She said again abit Eager and Prideful?..*

"Yeah we Cant But I want to surprise Him!"

*Said a happy one? ok I'm getting a Weried Vibe here...*

"Well we do have the Body too~.."

*Said Scarlett ok. Multiple Personalities well Understood why she Mumbles in her sleep now as I Approached her She instantly Approached me*

"Hi there Daddy! No you idiot what are you Doing!? H-Hi...

Hey there~"

Which one Sopke they all did this is so Complicated!?!?

*James yelled in his Mind and Sighed*

"So... How are you um... Scarlets?"

*I said making sure not to Peeve of the other ones Especially the guessing Red made tone one*

"We are Fine"

*They all said in unison I Swear are all Lizard men like this or just her? I smiled and done Things like a Loving parent would do her D#ck of a Farther wouldn't Since Birth! after that she saw more Glow And Life in her eyes now she seems more Control of her Emotions I said bye as did she I entered the PharonGate to My Citadel amd Watching Half of the titan Finished and I decided to Take a Nap amd when I woke up The Titan was Finished and it was Huge like size of a Small moon as I saw it looked like a Sphere with Four Obelisks magnetic around it one point up on down one Left one Right it looked like a Cross but Metallic as I told it to fire on a Huge Asteroid its four Obelisks Shot four Huge Blue Lighting from it and Burned the Asteroid Leaving Small Burn Mark's and Cracked surfaces and then The Eye Fired a Powerful Long Golden Beam at the Asteroid Blowing it up into nothing*

Oh yeah I Have the power!