Into the StarTrek

{Hey guys so um we didn't have a Winner because it was a Tie and I am going to let the votes continue until June 3rd so um as the Title says Prepare to see some Good Robots Saved Aka ones that where Well made there own Choices So I will Watch the TV show Again and get the Episodes in this Chapter!}

*James woke up and saw his titan... Changed four Obelisks to Eight now It looks like a Star of doom James Was smiling because he knows where he is going with this Bad Girl and yes All of his ships are Female Admirals and Captains says and Admits Anyways as he Boarded the Titan and reached the Omega PharonGate aka Surpior Space PharonGate just a Better Version and then he was Sent to a Very Amazing Sci Fi Universe Startrek Wich Timeline he went to the one and only

StarTrek Voyager! James saw Voyager Heading to there Fate and as huge as I am My Stealth is 100 I was so Invisible There Sensors cant Penetrate in her or scan me or see me in Rader my Cloaking is So Advanced Even the Borg are Jealous hmmm Should I Make the Borg Good? Eh why not Since the Queen Dies I Might aswell Make a New Borg Empire with the Remaining Drones and Cubes and yeah the Cubes are able to affect abit of Damage on me but there Tactical Cubes? Yep Average Damage and I can gain some of there Tech too Well then Let our Adventure Begin as james Says Big Flash of light hes in the Delta Quadrant Where the Protector is Dying of Old Age well Time to Observe as I see Voyager Doing as the Story Is Told I saw the Caretaker Spacestation Exploded into Oblivion as I Saw its core Stolen I sighed knowing who took it and used its power and I kept on following Yoyager Days Passed and Voyager Teleported a Robot aka The Automated Unit 3947 Yeah that Episode James is Going to Make the Two Factions be Whole and Accept the Peace and well Let them Reproduce Again. As james saw the Mining Space he saw another one the Bronze Firing upon the Silver one as Voyager Jumped away from the Battle I Revealed my Ship at the two Ships the Stoped Firing acknowledge my Presence as both Windos Open the both Commanders said there lines as they did for Voyager from Janeway as james saw the Commanders he decided to Reason with them*

"So tell me why do you Battle Yourselves? your are the last of the Builders Last History and fight till one is Destroyed? I call that Foolishness as you will go Extinct so Can you Just call it a Truce and Accept the war is over for good and be a New Species?."

*And then the Silver Automated Commander Sopke*

"And why should we? they are the Enemy"

*And then the Bronze Automated Unit Commander*

"We will Fight till the Last Unit Stands."

*James Sighed they are Really Devoted To the War*

"If I help you Reproduce Each other again From Extinction would you call it a Truce and Serve Under me?"

*Then the Two Automated Unit Commander looked at each other and nod*

"On the Behalf of our Kraylor and Kravick Units We shall be in your Service in return Teah one Unit of how to Rebuild or Modify."

*Said both of the Commanders as I Took over the a Assaulter it was human Sized but the limbs and Body where Sharp as a Blade as I Approached one of the Construction Bay 1 I Looked at Unit 3947 laying on the Floor Damaged.*

"May I use Unit 3947?"

*As I said that*

"Permission Granted"

*Said Unit 6263 as I Opend it Up amd modified its body amd power Model Now I have made a MKII of Unit 3947 as he Awoke and Made Two units Valona Torez took Hours to Build but 3947 only took minutes as that a New Dawn has been Boren. The Kraylor and Kravick has been Reformed now as both Units Became one the Kartar Has been Built as all of there Remaining Ships Left there planets Structures Recycled to Become New ships for the Remaining units to become New ones as that Happened A Massive Fleat of Kartar proximity 40 has been Built as 11000Thounds has Been Assembled as they Followed Yeah It didn't go unnoticed Voyager Noticed our Presence We Then Vanished from there Radar with my Titans Ability to Cloak nearby Allie or Vassal Ships as that happened I waited for the next Event in Voyager Happenens I ain't Leaving this Place for a Very long time until All of Star trek Voyagers Story Ends.*