*James Woke up on the Couch again it's been Three Weeks since his Ghost Acts to his sisters But as he Remained Still and didn't moved and yes he did that and Everything was Normal... as much as it can be so James decided to do something when he was sitting down watching Star wars the clone wars Why he was Bored so James Got up and went to his ship Aka The Blood Nebula James turned around he did say his objective was to do his sisters... But james Must Grow to Be more Powerful James left his home and went to the Blood Nebula James Told Maria and the Veils to leave and Bored there Ships James saw a Big Bio ship aka the Veils Flagship Aka Maria's Ship as they Departed from The Blood Nebula or nick name the Dark James Told them to Remain hidden and keep from Conflict from others and try to Salvage More Borg or Species 8472 Remains The Veil and Kartar All node and Disappeared into a orbit of a Moon James Made Another PharonGate Mk II James was still Doing Technology Research but nothing New or Rare just Improvements that's all as james Left the Startrek Universe and now into the Starwars universe or atleast the Clone wars As james Appeared he wonder what should he do of what can he do? He saw Some Separatists Ship and yes it was the Big one the Malevolence What remains of it James Ship was to his Surprise Same Size compared to Dark and Malevolence James Bored it and saw a bunch of B1 Yellow Blue and the Fire suppression and Normal class and B2 Some Droidekas and some Vulture and Hyena Bombers too
and 18 Droid Tri-Fighters aswell He saw Alot of Repairs to be done here A Whole lot of it Its been Two hours James with his droids Repaired the Separatists ones He Repaired the Commander of the Malevolence When General Greaves Abandoned Ship Leaving The Malevolence and the Crew to there Fate as he did He decided to name this B1 Commander Mark Why Because it was Funny but Tragic as the M has to deal with a Certian Ship And Certain Moon of the M*
"Oh... What happened did we Survive d-"
*Before Mark was able to continue his Dazed Talk he saw A huge Machine Machine infront of him and it was Intimidating And Mark Got up and try getting a Blaster But He was Gunless*
"S-Spare me I dont wanna Die!"
*Yelled Mark as the Unknown Machine Approached The Scared Mark*
"Dont Worry I won't I'm Helping you You and your Crew Died as the Malevolence Crashed into the Moon And yes they are being Repaired And no You cannot Contact the Separatists your Service is now with me you well Are my right Hand Amd will Follow my orders your Previous Commander Left you to well Be Abandoned and Gain Dust so I will give you the respect and well Treatment as all of your Brothers Never Had or Gained."
*As James Finished that off Then Mark said his famous quotes in all the Separatists Legacy*
"Roger Roger"
*James Smiled After that talk More of the Droids where Repaired James Had 10000 B1s 1000 B2s 50 Vultures and 30 Hyena bombers And James was Exhausted it took him two Days to Repair the Malevolence As the Droids And Fighters and Bombers Returned to there Hangers Malevolence Flew once again The Blood Nebula was in the Lead as the Malevolence Followed Behind James set up a Projector room where He was able to let his Ship Ori Aka the AI Take control as he was Talking with Mark and then they Agreed to going to Geonosis As they Arrived he saw A bunch of Droids and Droid Vehicles Littered all over the planet As the Geonos where Busy Attending other things James and Mark with there Droids where able to Salvage Everything with in 4 Hours James let Mark Explain Everything About what was Happening James Sighed as he was well Exhausted he wanted to do something as he Went to another Planet where it was a Gold Mine Aka lego As they Arrived he saw the Salvaged Droids standing in the Spot where Anakin and Obi wan where As they Arrived Jable Approached me and was Surprised Before he said James gave him 10 Million Credits and said*
"I take your Entire Stock of Droids"
*As I said that he Nodes and my Cargo ship took the Warehouse and the Droids in the Area and Dodge Drools Defenses System After that My Own Separatists Army is Growing James decided to name them the SepraArmadas James liked the name while Mark was Processing the New Information of Reassigning of his Purpose So did the Other Droids James was on a Salvage Run His SperaAmada Grew in army and in Fleat he is the 4th in Biggest Fleat Classes in the Galaxy James Kept on Gaining more Debris and Junkyards James wanted to Save some Special Droids Unique ones that have a good Cannon and no cannon story lore James was going to Save The Droid from the No cannons Aka the droid who broke free from the Central Computer system Or something along those lines James warped there yes he Warped his Body has a built in PharonGate a MkII James Looked at the B2 aka the Grapple droid James Took the body and put it into his storage room Then he saw the B1 underneath the Tree Deactivated I Repaired his arm Since this droid never had a Name I'll name him Ran and the B2 Grapple named him Gar Why James was tired but was happy after he Repaired the two he returned Back to the Cannon Clone wars He But Gar and Ran into the Charging Chambers on the Malevolence As the two awoken they where both Stumbled and Stun*
"What happened to the view?.."
"I thought I was Offline.."
*Ran and Gar spoke as they saw me Instantly Froze I was Huge compared to a Separatists Vehicle I sighed knowing how would they react*
"I am no Threat I have Saved you and you are home not the home you used to but you are free and able to live normally but you live under me I am not harsh or Mean I am Concerned and Protective Anyways You may Explore the Malevolence and Talk with your Brothers and sometimes Sisters if that makes sense now I'll be doing more Rescuing."
*As james said that he Warped again to Another No or Cannon Universe as he went to the Planet where Obi wan and The 212th are at he saw His Objective Aka Coppertop As he saw the Bounty Hunter and Ventures Attacking I saw the Battle and Coppertop Sacrifice and trust me if I had Tears I would Cry As the battle ended and the Planet was Left and Quite I took Coppertop Body and returned to the blood Nebula James was Fixing Coppertop for atleast 2 hours as he arrived he saw Mark Ran and Gar Talking and with the other B1s and B2s there James finished Coppertop but let him Rest from the Experience James decided to Rest Aswell.*