*James woke up he saw all of the Droids where Recharging as the Malevolence was In orbit so was my Blood Nebula As I got out I saw Coppertop Walking around and as he saw me he asked me*
"Where am i?"
"The Malevolence"
"How am I Alive?"
"I Repaired you."
"Are you with the Separatists?"
"The Republic?"
"So Neutral?"
"Yep and welcome to your family and Home"
*As I said that Coppertop Accepted all the BattleDroids As his family after that I went to another Planet where Three Heros made there last Stand And Sacrifice Yep its R2D2s B1 Squad. As I saw well the Corpses of the three Droids and some others as I appeared I used a Shockwave and Block Communications and View I Salvaged the Small Army that was After the Squad and Took the Three Heros to my Ship and when I settled Down I Repaired the Three while the Other B1s and B2s Repaired the Ones now I have CrabDroids And I kept on Growing the Army I needed to save more Important and Droids and then Wait till the Order 66 Event Happens. He went To Planet by Where The Unique Droids Perish He Repaired the Droid that was Sliced by Yoda Aka The Poor B1 Droid who got Promoted Tragic and went to Another planet Aka the B1 Droid who fell off the Cliff Tragically James Kept on Exploring The Whole Galaxy Until he Haved them all And put them all into His own Command Seeker Protocol Aka When the Shutdown Order is sent by Anakin Skywalker Or DarthVader now or soon now James Went to See How many Levels he has...*
{James Is now LV 68 now}
*James was Smiling soon he can do more After that He Gained Something New From the Technology Branch*
[Surpior Arch Weapons Improved Thrusters Locate Ancient System.]
*James Selected it he Fell into a Deep Sleep as he Slept The Droid Commander Aka Mark took Control of the Malevolence And as he Received the Shutdown Order so did The other Droids He Ignored them He has 41 Ships One for the Malevolence*
{I ain't gonna Name All of the Separatists Ships But I can only say Four Lunar Hulks and Battleships Class Lunar Hulks Four that hit Hard and Four that shoot out alot of Fighters of Each Class}
*Mark and his Droids under his Command Ignored it and his New Orders where Received.*
[Orders from the 'Overlord.']
{And yes James did Name himself that he ain't gonna reveal his Name to them}
[Rescue All Separatists Ships Vehicles and Droids. At all Cost.]
*As mark Received those Orders The Separatists Or CIS Has Fallen So did the Republic the Empire was Born. Mark witnessed What the Empire have Done Mark knew is to Defeat the Republic from there Tyranny And he was Right but... They Lost No... The New Separatists aka CIS Has Been Born. The SepraArmada Or Ironclad Has been Assembled. Mark Sent 10 Fleats and Salvage All Separatists Units Vehicles And Ships. Alot of Years Passed That's was the Beginning of Starwars Rebels Story Arc Began And Makr Enjoyed Ezwerd Richard And felt sad of what happened to his Family Marl really Despised The Empire Not by them being the Old Republic But how they do there Order. Even the Separatists was Better then this. Mark thought But He kept Following them with the Flagship Aka The Malevolence Yes That Malevolence Big Massive Ship Following the Small Ghost His Mark's Fleat grew Big Enough to sustain themselves and have there own Adrimals And you know who's Leading them Aka the Cool Droid Squad*
{Again Yes. Wait no Mark was the one Named it that way Remember These Guys are Funny yet so Smart Serious and Yet So Dumb Aswell}
*Marl was Following The Ghost through there Amazing Adventures Especially when they Encountered Darth Vader and Mark was Scared of Vader His kill count of Droids where High. And to the Episode where the Ghost found Captain Rex and his last remaining Friends and Mark Kinda Respected him True Killed his Many Brothers but Respected him for being Smart and well Caring for his friends and Brothers aswell But when they Went to a Certain Planet when Mark Noticed the Ship there. it was General Kalani Ship Mark was Surprised all of them Droid Gemerals and Super Generals where all Destroyed of how Smart they Are only Pices Remains The SepraArmada Couldn't Restore the General Droids and super Series But General Kalani was the Last Surviving General. He saw the Challenge General Kalani Gave them True he was Despaired after seeing the Well War trauma of how it was back then but they The Ghost one and then After the Empire Showed up Mark was Hesitantly trying to keep from Firing The Mega Weapon of the Malevolence But he Knew The Three or Ghost Members Plus Rex And as expected they Escaped After The Ghost and General Kalani Departed The Malevolence went towards General Kalanis Ship. After Mark Tractor Beamed the Ship and as he saw into the Cameras He Saw B1 BattleDroids With Him where Armed and Ready after the Hatch opened The B1 BattleDroid Group and General Kalani where Surprised of Seeing Other Separatists Droids After the Security Commander told General Kalani to Head to the Bridge General Kalani Agreed Three minutes Later Mark and General Kalani Talked.*
"Tell me B1 Commander Droid. Where Ship are we on and Number.?"
"We are on the Malevolence and Number has been lost go by Mark now Sir."
*General Kalani was in Shock and spoke back*
"Highly Unlikely The Malevolence Was Destroyed on a Moon Tell me again.*
"As said Before The Malevolence was Rebuild and Restored by our Overlord."
"Overlord? Tell me Who is this Overlord?"
"Many years Ago When the Malevolence was Destroyed A Unknown Droid Enity Repaired the Malevolence Faster then Anything we could Expected from the CIS After we where Repaired we where now Told we are no longer the Separatists That Names Fallen as the Republic did as a New threat was Born The Empire."
"Yes I have... Encountered them they are More Hostile to us more them the Clones Have But tell me Who is the Highest Authority?."
"Overlord but he is Recharging and as for Highest Rank now. You now General Kalani."
"Good we will Head out to Recover Fallen Separatists Bases and rebuild our Power again."
"We already done it General Kalani Whem the Fall and Rised happened we sent Small Fleats To Recover all Separatists Belongings We have finished the Order now we have Finished it We sent a Massage to all of the Fleats to return to the Malevolence Here. So we will wait till they return"
"I see. With our Numbers we can attack the Empire."
"General Kalani we cannot Attack the Empire."
*General Turned back with a Questioning Gaze*
"Why Not."
"Orders From Overlord was Said to Avoid Any Contact with The Empire or Republic we are meant to be a Secret we are our Faction."
"Noted we will wait for all of the Remaining Ships."
*As that said General Kalani and Mark looked at the screen of the planet and History reports of what General Kalani Missed over the Many Years*
(At the PharonGateWay.)
*Admiral Tellya was a Female Human She was Assigned onto Investigation on this Mystery Enity this Massive Gate Able to send a Massive Fleat to Somewhere Far on the Galaxy or... To another Galaxy in the System. After seeing it We where Assistant with a Very big Fleat with my Ship the Whole Elite Ships from all over the Empire Here Protecting this Gate of Unknown Origin I am Indeed a Admiral but also a Lead Scientist aswell She was Amazed of how Old and New this Technology is She was Madly in love with them Malers of this Tech and wonders if one of these Precursors was still Alive She would Definitely date or even Marry them.*
{Then end is soon So prepare for a Epic Final of this Starwars Saga}