The Clanker Finales

*James was still Resting But he did leave some orders like*

[If There Are Intruders Aboard Any SepraArmada Vessels Eliminate them or Capture them. If there are Any Empire or Rebel Ships Near The PharonGateWay Capture the Flagship.]

*James sent that as his last message before Recharging Why? He Didn't Rest at all Repairing the Malevolence and Droid Army They are Complicated Especially the New Droids who Weren't able to be in Production that's right the B3s Or The B1 and B2 Hybrid*

{I forgot the name Forgive mehs T_T}

*General Kalani was now Making the B3s Only a Small Boarding Squad He knew the Resources to Able to make 1 was Expensive but with Materials from Asteroids and Markets He was able to make 60 B3s Only 60 Why not a Massive Army like the Separatists do? Again These B3s where assigned to be used as Boarding Partys on the Empire or Rebel Flagships But as he Put them onto the Boarding Pods and As the Whole SepraArmada Fleats Arrived at the Location of the Malevolence One. Massive. Armada. Was. Assembled. General Kalani and the other Special Unique Droids where Discussing*

"So. Who are you?"

*Said Ran And Gar*

"I am General Kalani In Charge of the... SepraArmada."

"General Kalani I heard of you. you where lost somewhere.?"

*Said Coppertop*

"Yes and no. I was somewhere but that Information was Restricted By... I can't remember Not important now I was Abandoned on the planet with my own Droids and Resources to keep me and the others running for awhile."

*Said Kalani as he saw the three Blue Droids*

"And you aren't Security Droids you are B1 Droids but... Repurposed?."

"Roger Roger"

*Said the Three Trio Aka blue Squad*

"Now then we are heading towards the Location of... Overlords Gateway?."

*Said General Kalani in a Confused Tone*

"He is Very... well A Enigma and well a Mystery in Origins."

*Said Mark And General Kalani Sighed and Short Circuited abit*

"General Kalani are you Alright?"

*Said Mark*

"Haven't had Any Maintenance over the years on the planet that's is why I was a High Ranked Super General Droid."

*As he said Proud of his Rank*

"Well then we can send you to the Assembly to Give you all of the General and Super General Components to Repair and Possibly Improve your Status?"

*Said mark and then General Kalani Nodded in Agreement As Ran and Gar Showed him the Way 30 Minutes Passed as the Malevolence and her Escorts Arrived and saw A Fleat of Empire ships Where there*

"Oh come on!"

*Said Mark he was in Second of Command and has Zero Tactic Plans he was A Weapons Commander now a Fleat Commander*

(On the Other Side of View)

*Adrimal Tellya was Staring at a Massive and she does mean Massive Separatists or know as The Cis Fleat no... Armada Infront of her All of the Ships Seem New instead of Old She knew them From the Academy and School from History and Leasons and Quizes but seeing them Here Functional and Armed and In Numbers On the Intergalactic News that some of the Separatists Droids Vanished from all over the Whole Galaxy nowhere to be Found Trackers Went Dark Ships Vanished Droids Disappeared Blueprints Or Amy Knowledge of them Gone and here she is Seeing them Approaching the Archeological site Is this why the Droids are still Online and Is that the Malevolence the Massive Cis Ship or Flagship now She knew it was Destroyed on a Moon but no Debris where found does that mean... It Faked its Death!? She was Panicking She knew its Main Weapons Capabilities as it was able to Fire a Massive Ion Weapon to Disable Ships in its Radius! we are Equally Match but... With that Massive Weapon... The Malevolence is our Main Priority to Insurance of our Victory*

"All Fleats Prepare all Tie Fighters and Bombers to Engage the Malevolence And Contact Main Base for Reinforcements Now!."

"Yes Adrimal."

*Let's see if we can buy us some time for Reinforcements...*

(Back to Mark)

"Sir Empire Fighters and Bombers are approaching our Location. What should we do?"

*Said a B1 droid*

"Fire the Ion Weapon to Disable the Fighters and send our own behind the Ion Weapon Now... Fire!"

*As mark said it the Weapon was charging but this time its Radius was More Wide and able to fire faster but the Recovery Rate was still the same as the Original as that was Fired The Weapon was able to Disable 60 Fighters and 30 Bombers Where Caught while the Remaining Fighters were still being Attacked by the Tri-Fighters Vultures Where Attacking The Empire Tie Fighters and Bombers While the Hyena Bombers Where Bombing The Empire Ships The SepraArmada where Having a Upper Hand against them Until More Empire Ships Appeared And things where getting more Complicated Until the True Fleat Battle Expert Arrived General Kalani has returned or know as Ultra Admiral Kalani Is here He was Bigger Meaner Looking and has Eight Arms To and had More Eyes and he was Bulky yet Slim aswell and his Paint Job was still the same but from the gold and Green was now Blue Sliver and Gold and Red Glowing eyes He was a Mk4! Mark and the Droids where In Shock of how Much Super and Normal General Droid Parts where able to do this All Spare Parts where used to make this Monster of a Legendary Droid. As Ultra Admiral Kalani took Command He Saw Able to turn the Tide to a Nightmare to the Empire Fleat He sent the Boarding Partys Escorted by 60 Tri-Fighters Elite ones And none Tri-Fighter or Boarding pod Received any Damage or Scratch was Received. As the Boarding Party Landed in the lower Deck A Onslaught and Massacre was Heard The Flagship was Disable to the Core No Jump No Escape Pods Nothing was Leaving this Outcome.*

(Tellya View Pov)

"Intelligence Officer Report Now!"

*Yelled Tellys*

"We have been Boarded by Unknown Separatists Droids They are more Stronger Then our Droid Even Some of our Droids Join there side after Repairing them or Convincing them! The Crew Numbers and Soldiers all Losing Fast and Nearly at the Bridge!"

*He said giving Everyone a face of Fear Tellya was Still Keeping her Composure Straight and Calm but deep down she was Scared After 10 Minutes passed The B3s Breached the Bridge Firing there Blasters Leaving Tellya Standing Before she was Able to Say or even Respond A B3 Knocked her out and Carried her onto the Pods Left the Flagship Blowing up in the Distance After the Battle was won to the SepraArmada They sent Salvage Pods to Secure Any Empire Droids and Make them Join and give Information about the Empire Now.*

(Super Admiral Kalani Pov)

"As I Calculated They had 0.01 Percent of Chance of Winning Now then Secure this Sector and bring in the... Admiral Here."

*As that the Two Battle Droids Replied*

"Roger Roger."

*As they Left Super Admiral Kalani Was Staring at the PharonGateway and was Impressed Overlord Technology Has Surpassed The Republic Separatists even the Empire. Overlord is Powerful As Admiral Kalani was Thinking Then Two B3 Droids Brought in Admiral Tellya And Guarded her for Integration*

"I Presume you are the One in Charge of the once Empire Fleat?."

*Super Admiral Kalani Spoke with a deep Authority Tone Towards Tellya*

"Y-yes but m-may I ask?.. How are you Separatists Droids still Functioning?"

*She said Scared but calm aswell*

"We are no longer the Separatists that Title Fallen to the Republic as the Empire took over We are now the SepraArmada And we are more. Powerful. So why we taken you Hostage? We need Information We will set you free but A Empire Droid will Be with you and Observe you No. Matter. What. So I Highly recommend Not Betraying Us. Now then Go and Bring us The whole Empire Information and Secrets."

*As Super Admiral Kalani Said as a Evil Looking R2D2 And Evil C3PO Went with her As Super Admiral Kalani Order the rest of the Droids to Reactivate The PharonGateway 10 Months have passed 80% Of Droid Population Has been Convinced and Now Making Separatists Ships now And Able to Avoid Suspicion and Quietly Sneak the Ships into the System where The Main SepraArmada was Going to Another Galaxy or Universe Super Admiral Kalani Decided to Improve himself more and waited for the right Moment. Now it has been a Year now All of the Droid Population decided to Join The SepraArmada group As everybody was Sleeping the Whole Droid Population Ran away Nowhere to be seen or Found. Except the Evil R2D2 and Evil C3PO Brought Tellya Along they Grow found of her And now Surpior Leader Kalani has been Formed Same as the other Form but Bigger and more Red and Silver Moon Paint And Darken and Light Gold Combined As he saw the Two Droids Said Surpior Leader Kalani Agreed And to All of the Droids Surprise she was Screaming with Excitement Remember She is a Maniac for Science she will be a Great Asset Kalani Thought As everything was Ready Kalani Activated the Gate and See what Adventures will be Seen. After they all Disappeared The PharonGateway Collapsed onto itself making itself into a Singularity Event and Disappeared Making a Planet in its Place where A Small Group of Starfish People Made Tents and Spears a New Life was born...*