The Zathura

*After James Put Popopoka to Bed After Finishing Cars 3 and yes James wanted his daughter to atleast enjoy a good Movie But after Putting Popopoka to sleep He Wanted to go home and Get his twin Sisters But as he was about to His PharonWarpDrive Had a Malfunction and Well Warped to a Different Universe James woke up in a Hour so did his newly Adopted daughter Popopoka When he looked out Side Or should he say outer space Side He saw a House He saw this Old Movie with his Sisters It was Zathura Movie Two Brothers Playing the Game james could Tell they Started there Adventure as he saw The Meteor show James was in For a Journey A Very Short but Awesome Journey As his Ship was Orbiting the House He Kept being Quite as the Brothers Was Trying to explain to there Sister*

"U-Um dad W-Whats going on?.."

*James looked back to his Daughter Popopoka was Clingy onto his Leg He smiled how a Cute girl Was Always bullied everyday... James Shocked His head And gave a Small Rub on her head*

"Its Alright Popoko I'm here with you you are safe"

*James would Smile If he had his Assaulter Body but He didn't bring it with him he Immediately Regrets not doing it But james Could only Sogh Inwardly As he kept rubing her Head Gently and Softly*

"O-Ok d-Dada!"

*Cute was james was Able to Say In his Thoughts As he Was Extremely Happy of Saving and Adopting her And as he was Thinking...*


*James And Popopoka was Started as he looked at the House Zargaunts Where Attacking the House James Ship wasn't Found Luckily but he could tell Popopoka Was Extremely Scared Clingy onto his Leg Tighter now James Comforted her and told her it was Alright he won't let anything hurt her*

"Dont Worry Popoko Its alright they cant hurt us Here"

"R-Really Dad?.."

"Yes but if you want to be assured you can keep on hugging me"


*James Noticed her Grip was Better now Guess Proper food Means Better Strength James Kept watching the Zargaunts Chase the Flaming Couch Seriously are they that dumb for Alien Reptile Species that went Genocide on there own planet for Warmth? James Felt nothing from them Besides there Ships They are Awesome Old but can be Advanced with JamesTech! Aka Assimilate its design with his Color basically Anyways james saw the Zargaunts Ship Chasing the Couch James Pet Popopokas head told her to eat and tell the remote to watch a Movie or Play her Guitar james was Now being Serious James Was looking at the Wishing Star and man It was Bright his Vision was nearly Gone but he remained His Vision... Can James play the games with Popopoka and wish for her sight back? James kept that in mind. As he saw the Star gone He saw a Zargaunt Ship stole a pice of the House and he saw fire coming and then Two Zargaunt Ships approaching the House Minutes later he saw The 'Toy Robot' Board a Zargaunt ship while the other Exploded trying to Escape I Tractor beamed the ship was intact and small Salvage Nanites to retrieve the Debris of the other as I opened the door the Robot was Deactivated Possibly it was used and well not needed I gave it a power source but it will need time to Repair and Repower itself as he saw the tiny bot inside Repairing the big one James then saw the House again And another Wishing star and if the Star can bring back a Person why not Cure the Blindness? As he was enjoying the happy Moment he saw the Fleats of Zargaunt Ships approaching the house if James had a mouth and Was drinking a cup of Water he will Spit it out of this !Massive Surprise james Used a Small Micro Jump to where you guessed it on time Zathura Was Born James was Infront of Massive BlackHole and he was right on the saying it was Humongous compared to his Blood Nebula James was now Collecting the Zargaunt Ships that where Being Sucked by Zathura. He Collected 20 Zargaunt Ships as he entered one he saw only nothing no Life. at all He has 22 Zargaunt Ships if counting the Salvaged and the one that had Massacre with the Robot and within two Seconds He was Above the House James called it Everything was normal again as he saw The two Kids And older Sister leaving in there mothers Car James sent down A Eyver Picked up the Box and James did some Experiments with it Learning its Secrets And james Asked Popopoka if she was to play with him and as expected She Instantly Nodded 30 Minutes later James Got the Wishing Star Card! James instantly wished for her Vision back And as the Light Faded He saw Popopoka had one Eye with a Cute Purple color but the other eye was still Blind james Guessed because the bother who wished the astronaut to have his bother back returned to there original selves and reunited with there past selves? James still Acknowledged the Wish and was happy But To his Surprise Popopoka was crying with tears James was Gonna ask why she is crying*

"B-B-Because I c-can see! And d-dad is that you?.."

*James was basically viable to her now*

"Yes as I said before I'm kinda powerful I gave you the Guitar food and now Vision.."

*And then Popopoka hugged her dad's leg with Tears of Joy James Was happy After he pressed the button and win the game As expected cool spinning ball and then nothing and then ZATHURA BLACKHOLE Event Happen james lucky that his Ship wasn't a House As james was happy the Game Shot out another Card? James revised the you won card but this one was Black and Purple like Zathura... As he read it it said 'Zathura will be with her new Orbit.'

james now confused as the Supermasive Blackhole was... Shrinking!? and changing Shape!? James was no Confused and as what happened with the Kids Everything was normal... If there wasn't another little Girl Holding his other that had Long black hair A Orange and purple eye and a cute little face James saw the little girl looked around 14? As Popopoka was Surprised too another Girl was hugging her dad!*

"Who are you!?*

*Said Popopoka*

"M-Me? I-I am Zathura!"


*James was In Shock as he was looking for the Box... It was Gone! as he looked at the little girl... She had the color clothes as the box did... James then knew the Box was now a Little girl and now!... He has two Daughters Popopoka and Zathura...*

Man... My Family is Huge!