The Cars Redemption

*James Had put Popopoka and Zathura to bed James was Getting his Ship and the ones on board aka the Zargaunt Ships and james was Wathing the Robot that is now Repairing Itself Now james wonder what would the New Zathura Powers can do? but that should be for another Time James Was Really Wanting to Head back to His Sisters Now As Yet the Whole Universe of One Gods Yeets james To Another Universe Again and this time it was a Movie James Least Waiting to go to... Cars. Road to Revenge James was now a Cyberpunk Like Universe Now Crime is Practically 24/7 A Day in this Place and right on Time James was Murdered not the War Ancient WarForm the James who Turns into The Murder Vehicle Luckly for James The 'Awesome one'*


{Sure buddy Sureee}


*James was now looking at Car James As he saw Car James Murdering his well Murders James was Getting Revenge James was Watching from Afar And james was Keeping eye on Everything If people watched the Movies Then they Know how the Story/Movie Goes james was Waiting for the Basically End James kept Wathing Action And alot of Blood and Gore around he was glad that Popopoka Was Playing with Zathura He was happy for her Popopoka never had any siblings Especially cute little ones James was Glad that Yet another Daughter Popopoka and Zathura where Busy James Saw the James Car Basically Died from the Gang* Jezz Spare my Childrens Eyes!

*James said as he saw Car James was Smashed Hard into Basically Scrap And then Car james Got Tanked Good Upgrades James Saw the Car James Ran Over the Mechanic James felt bad for the Mechanic so ...*

Life Shanke!

*James stabbed they dying man and then 10 seconds later he was Healed the Old man didn't know how to think of this and just Shrugs it off and worked on more cars Apparently James got XP from helping him*


*And after that he Saw The Night Base Blew up and Car James just Drive Right on Out with His ex Body Trapped in the car until she well basically Ripped out his Heart and then threw his Heart back into his Corpse and pushed it off the Cliff into the Sea And James was under water as he saw Car James Alive but well Stuck He cant move He literally is Dead Weight so James sent a Squad of Eyvers to Lift Car james Body out and his heart Then james Put Car James into the hanger and well Repaired him but Still as expected Murder time The Car Literally try raining over Popopoka when she came out to say hi So James as a Responsible parent Picked up Car James and Hang him upside down As Punishment James was not Surprised hes been Punishing Car games For Weeks now He didn't Changed He still has that 'I am a Mad Ex if I cant have you no one can Vibe' and not only that Hes a Bloody car James Felt sad for the Other He Died Angry and thought since he was Reborn and possibly had a second chance Hit him hard when Well Love always finds a way So James was thinking what other Sentient cars are out there Then it hit him Christine the Killer Car! james Sent a PharonWarpDrive he was in the Christine Universe and he was at the Junkyard where She was Crushed But was Slowly Regenerating James was impressed on her determination He Sent a Eyzer Picked up the Cubed Christine and James Fixed her again And he Put Black aka Car James and Christine in a Room together Surprisingly They parked next each other and Then a Ship was Sent James was happy for Black And Christine even if they are Murder Cars Then James Decided to Spend the Day With Popopoka and Zathura Together watching the Lego Movie and Lego Movie 2 Popopoka was Amazed and Zathura was Ok with it until Number 2 wich she loved space and didn't expect the Most Dangerous System was a Dryer after I turned the movie off They both fell asleep after I tucked them in I went to check on black and Christine and let me tell you they where doing 'Bumper Cars' I will let you think on my words so I wanted to head back to a Unive7that I wanted to Help and send back so I Pressed the big red button time to Visit my Vassels and Daughter again*