The Archduke's Weakness?

After the Archduke ensured the villager's safety, he took back his sword and was ready to chase the Viscount. But to his surprise, the young lady came back with no bruises alongside Bonbon, who was in her arms. 

While on the other hand, Sylvester has tattered clothes, and his face is filled with dirt. He sighed out of relief after seeing the young lady smile as she skipped towards him. 

Titania giggled, "Praise me," with excitement like a cute puppy that wanted to be pet by its owner. 

Sylvester lifted an eyebrow as he stared at the young girl, "What did you do?" 

Instead of answering, Titania just looked at him with her eyes twinkling and her lips forming into a huge smile. "It's a secret."  Without even waiting for the Archduke to react, Titania walked towards the manor with Bonbon. 

Although confused about how the bruise on her cheek disappeared, Titania didn't pay it any mind. She wanted to go back to the dungeon as soon as possible. Titania wants to bury Bonbon's parents properly to let them rest in peace and tell them that their son is in good hands now. 

That's what she wants, but the Archduke keeps following her, making her feel irritated. "What? I'm not going to do anything bad." She defended herself but noticed that not only the Archduke had followed him. 

Other villagers went with them to the manor, freeing all the slaves and prisoners in the dungeon. Of course, she forgot about them, now she's feeling quite guilty and sorry. 

Even though Titania is still terrified of the sight of dead bodies, she tries her best to help Bonbon's parents to get out of the dark and gloomy place. 

The Archduke helped her as they covered the two bodies with a cloth and brought them outside the manor. Cries of relief and sympathy filled the village as their loved ones imprisoned in that dungeon were finally free. All the demi-humans were also freed by Titania; she stopped the Archduke from slaying them. 

The demi-humans felt scared, yet thanks to the lady who became their salvation and freed them from their miseries. 

As they got out, Bonbon was still in Titania's arms as they watched the Archduke dig to make the graves; her grip tightened as she remembered the memories in the dungeon. 

She could feel sadness, but she didn't feel fear. It's just, the thought of leaving the young fox all alone made her depressed. Losing parents at a young age makes her remember her life as Nina. 

Titania pats the head of Bonbon, who is now transformed into a human boy, although his fox tail and ears are still intact. "Don't worry, you got me now." The two watched as Sylvester buried the dead bodies 

Titania couldn't explain how she felt as she stared at the eyes of the baby creature in her arms. It is to be expected that one would cry if they lost someone they loved, but what she saw in those tiny and adorable eyes is hope. 

The Archduke grimaced after he felt pain on his arm; that's how he noticed that he had received an injury from one of the guards. He probably didn't realize it before because of the adrenaline rush. 

"Take a bath; we'll depart after." He said. 

This shook Titania; it wasn't even a while after the disaster, yet they're already leaving? "Can't we rest for a day? I want to sleep on the bed." The Archduke ignored Titania's remarks as he made his way back to the manor to take a bath and change into neat clothes.

"What's his problem? Stupid Archduke." She mumbled as she followed him from behind. The servants that were forced to work at the manor happily assisted Titania on her bath. 

They said that they were afraid of the Viscount because of his short temper and cruel personality. They've been enduring it all and were very thankful for the lady and his companion. 

They dressed her up with nice and clean clothes. Bonbon also received a bath. He was hesitant at first and scared of the water, but Titania helped him. 

Now, they're both ready to go. Titania and Bonbon went to see the Archduke, but he was already gone. "He wouldn't leave me here, wouldn't he?" she asked herself as she rushed out of the manor. 

Titania sighed out of relief upon seeing the Archduke tend to Ebony. The orange-coloured scenery made her stop. Looks like the sun will set soon; it would be impossible for them to travel now.

A wind blew into Titania's way, and she tried her best to get a hold of her hair. As the Archduke looked into her way, he saw how Titania's hair shined with the touch of the sunlight. Like gold that he found in a mine. Shining brightly, touching his dark heart. 

The loud sound coming from the village caught their attention. It looks like they're planning to celebrate their freedom from the Viscount. "Are we really leaving?" Titania pouted as she looked at the others with envy in her eyes. She probably wanted to let loose for a bit. 


She frowned upon hearing a short answer from the Archduke. Titania wanted to experience having fun in a place where she could let herself be free, but since the Archduke said no, then it couldn't be helped. 

"You're already leaving?" 

The young boy, whose name is Luca, stood in front of the two. His eyes are red, and they can tell that he's been crying his eyes out of joy. In the first place, he wanted the Archduke to save his mother from the evil couple. "I still want to thank you." He added. 

Titania looked up to the Archduke just to see his usual cold expression. It's as if he hates the thought of staying any longer, but it wouldn't hurt them to receive the gratitude of the villagers, is what she thought. 

"That's right, your grace. We wanted to express our gratitude." Luca's mother said her name is Lucia, and she is wearing a long and black cloak, similar to what Astra usually wears. 

Titania's forehead creased as she saw a familiar symbol on Lucia's cloak. She held onto the Archduke's arm, stopping him from moving away.

"Do you perhaps… work for the magic tower?" 

The question that Titania spurted out made Lucia astonished; she wasn't expecting to be asked that. "I did. But it was before Master Darvyn left." As if hope sparkled inside Titania, she immediately clasped the woman's hand and looked at her with twinkling eyes.

"Could we talk about something? If I may take some of your time, that is." The woman couldn't reject the beautiful lady before her, making the Archduke slap his forehead. He didn't want to stay any longer or to say he couldn't stay. 

Luca quickly holds onto Sylvester's arm, resulting in Sylvester almost jumping out of surprise. "Let's go, your grace. We are known for our delicious potato delicacies." The young boy smiled his brightest and pulled the fearsome man towards back the village. 

"I won't stay; I'll just wait for the lady," Sylvester said.

Meanwhile, Titania, who is excited to find a way to get back to her original world, bombarded Lucia with questions that she couldn't even understand. She kept going and going until she noticed that Lucia couldn't process what she was talking about. 

"Do you know any way on how to go to other dimensions?" she simplified. Lucia answered her, and the once sparkling face turned into a disappointment. Titania was utterly defeated but still hid how disappointed she was. 

"I'll go back to where Sylvester is." She excused herself and ran towards the Archduke. When Sylvester saw her, he immediately bid the young boy goodbye and was ready to depart, but the other villagers didn't want to let him go quickly. 

"Just stay for another day." One of the imprisoned villagers said and tried to touch Sylvester, but he quickly swats their hands away, creating an awkward atmosphere. 

Titania, who's dying out of discomfort due to the silence that enwrapped all of them, decided that she'll just do what the Archduke wants. They packed their belongings even though it was already getting darker. 

The villagers felt worried, but Titania told them not to since it was the Archduke. Who could possibly get in his way? 

"Now I know what could get in the Archduke's way." 

Titania grunts as she tries to pull the Archduke towards the cave. "I couldn't believe this." 

What could have happened to the two? 

At first, they were leaving the Azmar Village on the back of Ebony. Titania wondered why they've been so slow. The night has come, but they're still at the foot of the mountain that they should climb to reach Sherfield city. 

She thought that the Archduke might be in a bad mood; that's why she kept silent all through the ride. Well, that was until Sylvester fell off Ebony and made Titania dumbfounded. 

She looked at Bonbon, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. Almost a minute had passed, and all she did was stare at the Archduke's body lying on the ground. 

She sighs, "I miss my bed." Titania softly placed Bonbon on the back of Ebony as she tried to carry the Archduke, although it was useless since she's far too weak to do it. 

"I'm not even sorry for this." She pulled both of the Archduke's legs and started walking towards the light she saw near them. 

"Ebony, come on." She made a hand gesture for Ebony, and the obedient horse silently followed her from behind. 

She continued to struggle until they've reached the entrance of a small village. "Help!" she asked for help at the villager she saw near. 

The kind villagers were captivated by the young lady's gorgeous appearance and were glad to help. However, upon seeing the Archduke's face, they all backed away, making Titania flustered.

"Uhm… Help?" 

The villagers looked at her as if they were terrified of her and Sylvester. "We don't provide shelter to Monsters." One kid said, which made Titania puzzled. 'Monsters? Are they talking about Bonbon?' is what she thought.

"Oh!" Titania smiled, "Don't worry, the fox is completely harmless." She waved her hands and forgot that she was holding onto both of the Archduke's feet, making it fall to the ground. "Oops."

She expected them to help her after explaining their circumstances, yet their look grew darker as they returned away from her.

Then, the sudden pour has made the villagers take shelter in their houses, leaving the lady and her companions as they get wet by the rain. 

"Darn it."