A little convincing 23

March 14th the moon in a special made observation hub twenty-five minutes before the third round of Sebastion's tests…

Quirrel was quiet as it let doctor Gloglan explain the situation to its specialist colleagues and superiors as it didn't know the technicalities involved with what they were referring to, Quirrel knew the basics and that alone made it feel uneasy.

Quirrel was staring at the stasis frozen Sebastion who was in the middle of trying to bring himself to his feet after making a mess of the floor with his vomit, by THE SHOW Quirrel hoped he wouldn't suffer any irreparable damage to his psyche after they subjected him to this final battery of tests, he was reacting terribly to the two prior ones and if it progressed at the same pace Seb was definitely not going to enjoy the next and final battery of tests…Quirrel just hoped that feeling terrible would be the only side effect Seb would experience…if something were to happen to him, well the thought gave Quirrel a shiver of apprehension.

Sebastion wouldn't know it or even notice afterwards but he had been placed in a localized stasis field to preserve him in condition so that the presentation could be held and questions answered, it had already been about fifteen earth standard minutes that doctor Gloglan had been stating their case for the need to have all of those present attend. Quirrel could see different reactions from those listening in, but only from those whom he knew the different body language tells for their given species, and there were many in attendance Quirrel couldn't tell at all what they thought of what doctor Gloglan was bringing to their attention.

There was one Quirrel could see and interpret who was wholeheartedly unimpressed by the explanation being given, and just as doctor Gloglan was finished it let it be known, "This is preposterous! You interrupted my work for this charade?", the speaker was a slimy looking red reptid with bulging pitch black eyes that stood out either side of it's head at the top, holes running along it's face that served as olfactory sensors, and a double row of small sharp teeth with a small flickering blue tongue, it was from a species called the Roang and it seemed very ill tempered indeed.

"Never in the history of THE SHOW has such a thing been documented! This is a waste of our time and after this is done I'll be sure to notice so in my report!", the unknown Roang was irate and gestured about wildly with it's webbed and clawed hands.

Hearing the murmur of agreement from the crowd Quirrel decided it was time for a show man's touch so Quirrel interjected before things could spiral out of control, "It hasn't been documented YET!", having yelled to be heard all of those present turned in it's direction with distaste, at least those were the expressions Quirrel could understand at a glance.

Spinning up beside doctor Gloglan's avatar, which was a very basic representation of it's species the Ssrickall that were a giant race of gastropods, Quirrel immediately bowed grandly before continuing, "My esteemed guests just because something hasn't been recorded doesn't mean it can't exist, it just means it hasn't been found yet,", with that Quirrel saw some among those present motioning with agreement, "My colleague here doctor Gloglan and I may well have found something absolutely unique and stunning to bring to light to those across the empire and THE SHOW!".

Before Quirrel could continue it was interrupted by the unknown Roang, "Oh please clown you probably found something you thought could net you more viewers or possibly even something you could try to market to the highlight scripters and just want a special stamp of approval from all of us! I bet you're just hoping we would eagerly put our stamp on this so you could sell some small scrap for a higher profit!", this Roang was seething for a reason Quirrel could only guess at, but he did have a point as that trick had been tried many times before so Quirrel had to sweeten the pot so that they would take the risk of putting their official reputations towards this cause.

"You're right to be skeptical my friend as once all of you put your names towards this even if it were a minor thing it could sell quite well if I were to market it right,", as Quirrel admitted this it could see the equivalent of frowns being displayed at it's openness, "that is why instead of trying to monopolize any of this I and my colleague are prepared to share any and all profits with those that come forward to help us certify and publish this magnificent find!", everyone in the room was silent at this proclamation, they had never heard of a show man giving up so easily on profits before, "Plus as you can see from the recordings that doctor Gloglan has provided of the previous tests there is a slight progression in the symptoms our candidate is experiencing which should provide our clip with a little more flair and appeal to those who would like to view such things.".

The murmuring started up again as those present reviewed the footage once more while discussing amongst themselves, Quirrel took this time to draft a contract and when done presented it to all of those around to read through to look for any double dealing on it's part, there was none though as Quirrel was quite desperate. The contract gave even splits to all of those who would add their approval and carry on with the tests beside itsself and doctor Gloglan as professional observers, it would even credit all those who signed with equal attention when describing who had found out and discovered this phenomenon. Quirrel could see the eagerness and greed of a great portion of those present as they eyed the contract displayed in front of them, most that is but not all.

It was the Roang again and Quirrel wanted nothing more than to strangle this creature right here and now with all of it's peers watching, "This contract is all good and all, but what if it doesn't go the way you think it will and all of our names get dragged through the mud? I've worked too hard to be attached to some half baked scheme thought up by a clown and his pet Ssrickall!", the last was said with quite a bit of venom and Quirrel couldn't help thinking that a dose of speciesism might be what was behind this ones objections, and with a glance at doctor Glolgan as the good doctor's body blanched from a cool blue to a bright red obviously showed it thought the same.

"Is that all?", Quirrel knew how to change this in their favour while making it impossible for this specieist to back out without looking like a fool, Quirrel was also planning on making a formal complaint with the recorded footage of this meeting as proof against this Roang to boot but that was for later, Quirrel made a few quick changes and sent the new updated contract out for everyone to review.

"As you can see I have no interest in letting anyone but myself shoulder any of the blame if this does end up a bust and I have wasted everyone's time, on top of that I won't publish anything to be consumed by the masses without everyone's approval.", this statement and the proof in writing in front of all of those present shocked all as they confirmed it with their own sensory organs.

After a few seconds green lights began to flicker above those present indicating that they had agreed to the contract and were willing to put their official marks towards going forward.

Quirrel stared hard at the Roang as it ground it's teeth seeing it had been caught, with a final glare directed towards doctor Gloglan it too finally agreed.

Quirrel smiled and felt it's avatar quake in sympathy with it's real body, Quirrel was on the verge of having a mental breakdown as this could either be the greatest thing to happen to it…or be the end to it's life as was proscribed at the moment, "Great, let the show begin...".