Words of a Shock.

After this proclamation, the people began their dances with the drummers who had not failed to pound their hands on the drums and other few who beat a different kind of drum with the strokes of sticks. 

The singers lend their voices into the sky and melodiously emit their sonorous voices in the name of the king and the new Queen and also had the male dancer who at this point had not also failed to jump in their highest fly and landed on the ground yet in a big smile and began their stunts. 

Definitely, in this vein, the compound of the palace had been filled with total happiness which Oranmiyan behold and the new Queen had not failed to render her smile. 

For in her mind, she became and did achieve what her mother could not achieve and still yet, in the strength of her mother who watches her from the sky, she could stand out among even those she was not equal to and shine forth among them.