With the efficacy of these words, Oranmiyan led himself into his absolute silence and he gripped more his fingers on his staff and there, he turned around and left the face of the people into the inner palace in which the Chiefs and the Elders had followed him closely irrespectively.
The same way had the Eldest Priest and the rest of the priest followed the Chiefs and the Elders also but definitely, the Eldest Priest waited for a shorter period before he had followed the Chiefs and Elders into the inner palace.
During this short period of his wait, the Eldest Priest had glared at Orekelewa and how she had become broken, sad, and tears which rolled down her eyes as a result of the words from Oranmiyan.
And in her words, Orekelewa cursed the day she was born. For it was better to have never been born than to be born only to eat the yam of poverty, and penury, and no shelter to sleep her head, and no one to care for her.