83. lie in the Bush, pregnant of Orekelewa 

As the day became over and darkness  bestowed upon them like birds landing on earth, everything Orekelewa and the other people before thrown into the dungeon could see at this hour were the fire light in the hands of the royal guards who guarded the dungeon against any escape or breakage. 

Also at this moment the quietness in the dungeon became as loud as noise since the moment Orekelewa was done talking and everyone felt her pain and empathise with her in her name. 

But at once four of the other royal guards from the palace showed up and one of them commanded the royal guard at the entrance of the dungeon to open the gate of the dungeon. 

And without any utterance nor a word of challenge did the dungeon guard listen and thus, opened the gate simply as commanded. 

In this vien did the one who had commanded the words remained outside and two of the palace guards entered into the dungeon and picked Orekelewa up in an arrest.