Lay with The Damsel.

Even so Oranmiyan had not been surprised by the words of the palace member who bore the news of the new princess unto him and also that the princess had not let out a cry gave Oranmiyan not a concern. 

That he looked defiant yet still and in his silence the man had apologised for his news and if he had sin against his majesty, he shall be forgiven and a word of it he shall not speak again. 

This moment he bowed yet instantly and poured his face into the earth and the Chiefs and Eldest thus speak no words and everything that remained yet at the palace at this moment were the conquering silence. 

Even at this moment had the hour of the night come quickly and in the words of Oranmiyan had he sent the Chiefs and Elders back to their homes. According to him, he must rest, for he had been tired and in the rise of the sun and in the brightness of the new day shall they return and shall they speak.