Oranmiyan and the womb.

It was the stomach of Oranmiyan which caused all of them their sudden surprise. And how his stomach became that big in just a single night remains the question from the Chiefs and Elders and the Eldest Priest one after another. 

That it has become a struggle for Oranmiyan to walk, as he walked too slowly and held his hand below his belly and sat yet slowly in his throne. 

At first, they all came with their greeting and even if Oranmiyan did not answer their initial question about what happened with him, they still had not stopped to ask him and Oranmiyan also had not stopped to answer them with his quietness.   

And if I must say Oranmiyan had eventually grown to answer, any of them was a lie. As everything that was known to him this moment was his own pain that traveled yet from his stomach and to his spinal cord and to his brain as he yet expanded in deep exclaim.