Meeting Ended

"That's quite interesting, Wu Yonggui. You said I help him because of our relationship? Haha, I have always been in charge of the management of pills and medicine in Martial City. This time, wasn't it you who went to find me and ask me to come here? You even offered a gift, but I declined. The person who wants to rely on relationship is you from the beginning, right?"

Qian Tingduo's tone changed and said unceremoniously.

"Old Qian, although you are of high authority, don't frame a good person! Are you not afraid that I will sue you?" Wu Yonggui resisted the urge to vomit blood and broke the jar with this guy.

"Haha, I thought you had this trick a long time ago! So I have recorded our previous conversations, and there are videos in the car. After I go back, I will make it public!" Qian Tingduo laughed with contempt.

"Old Qian, you..." Wu Yonggui never expected that there would be a recording, and his face turned purple directly.