The Persistent Editor Ranzhi

Tong City, Military Governor Mansion, in the office.

Da, da, da…

Yang Haodong's ten fingers flew past and he was typing fast just like a machine gun.

Although this was his first time writing a book, he could write 10,000 words per hour. In other words, if he didn't take a break, he could write three 3,000-word chapters in one hour.

"Chapter 256, Ruthless Means"

"In the quiet hall, everyone stared at the black-robed old man..."

The new chapter was quickly completed.

"I have written nearly 20,000 words today. It's time to take a break. In addition, I have no more outline. I have to find some time to ask father about the follow-up outline."

Leaning on the seat, Yang Haodong murmured, and at the same time opened the statistic of "Battle Through the Paradise" and looked at it. During this time, besides coding words, his biggest interest was to read the data of his book.

"The collection has reached more than 230,000."

"The total number of words is almost 700,000."