Right Time to Help

Everyone immediately looked up and tried to find the owner of that voice. However, no matter how hard they tried, when their mental sense sank into the surrounding, nothing was found.

It was like that voice earlier was just an auditory illusion generated by their inner desire to survive, which exactly related to the hopefulness that someone would come over to rescue them.

A while later, just as people regarded that voice as an illusion, it unexpectedly rang again, "Do you think I'm an illusion?"

This time, everyone was pretty sure that it was real. Someone was here and based on the fact that the other party could hide completely alone, they dared to bet with their lives that he was a strong expert.

If that reason was not enough, then they had another reason. Don't forget that this place was restricted by a natural enchantment, making it impossible for outsiders to detect, and it isolated any sound possible.