Thunder Law Orb Obtained

Countless bolts of thunder rained down from the mouth of the black dragon and enveloped the entire body of Yang Song.

The black thunder was too dense so that no one could see Yang Song's figure. Those guys of the Sky Cloud Sword Sect looked over nervously.

"Will he be okay?"

"What kind of thunder is this? Why is it so black?"

"Why does this thunder remind me of the Dark Thunder Forest?"

Some people came to a realization and looked terrified when they heard the question above.

"No way, that black thunder is not from the Dark Thunder Forest, right? After all, the Dark Thunder Forest is just below the cliff ahead."


"You don't need to worry. Senior Yang is fine," the one who spoke was Elder Yong. He glanced at the position where Yang Song was and said this softly to everyone.

At this point, people were no longer interested in talking. They just looked at the battle anxiously and nervously.