What Now?

"Alright, what now?" Foster asked, leaning against the wall outside of Zhaine's shop, looking at Octer, Lynol and Kyla.

"What do you mean, 'what now'?" Lynol asked, and Foster immediaely shrugged, "I don't know, like, what are we gonna do now? It's another couple days until my Guild Card is ready, and until then I can't really work with the guild. So what are we gonna do now?"

"Did- Did you not hear what Zhaine said inside?" Octer asked with a wry smile, "He was right when he said we wouldn't be doing anything for a few days. We just cleared out a dungeon, Foster. It was a first-time clear. We wouldn't be taking new requests for a few days anyway."

Foster raised his brows surprised, "Really? Huh... I mean, fair enough. Some freetime it is, then."