Business Offer

"Necromancy...?" Both Foster and Kyla asked at the same time, and Samria quickly nodded his head, "Yes! And before you get those scared looks on your face like everyone else, necromancy isn't 'just' making things rot and causing dead monsters to rise, it's only... a very prominent part of it!" He exclaimed, excited to tell two new people about this topic. Before either Foster or Kyla could say anything, the Mage Tower employee stepped in front of them.

"As I said, Necromancy isn't illegal in Arcadum, and if you're signed up with us, anyone is allowed to use it, even with some stricter rules connected to it." The employee explained quickly, "And I want to assure you-"

"Anyone?" Foster asked immediately, and the employee looked at him confused, "You're saying that anyone is allowed to use necromancy? You won't be persecuted, you won't be arrested, nothing like that?"